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单词 vision
vision/′vɪ ʒn/ n

(1)视觉(力)(sense of sight)[U]:improve/impair/damage one's~改善/损伤/损害视力;lose one's~失明;have perfect/poor/blurred~视力好/差/模糊不清;within/outside one's field of~在视力范围内/外;The blow on the head/severe headache can affect the player's~. 头部受击/严重的头疼可危及运动员的视力。She wears spectacles because her~is weak. 由于视力不佳她戴上了眼镜。My~is growing worse as I grow older. 随着年龄的增长, 我的视力正在减退。〖同〗eyesight,sight;〖反〗blindness;

(2)眼力(远见),洞察力(intelligent foresight;manner of perceiving mental images)[U](fig):lack~of an entrepreneur/an artist 缺乏企业家的眼力/艺术家的洞察力;need a woman (man) of considerable~as a leader/a politician 需要一位有远见卓识的女(男)领袖/政治家;The urban planning/educational plan requires great (has no)~. 这城市规划/教育计划需要远见(无远见)。〖同〗foresight,imagination;〖反〗shortsightedness;

(3)想象,幻想(vivid imagination or anticipation)[C]:have an unrealistic~of the world 对世界抱不现实的幻想;have a clear~of the future for one's child 对自己孩子的前途有清晰的设想;see/have a~in which God/the Virgin Mary seemed to appear before sb 似乎看到上帝/圣母玛丽亚出现在某人面前;The Holy Grail came/appeared to him in (the form of) a~. 圣杯梦幻般来到/出现在他的眼前。He has a~of what the business will be like in 20 year's. 他设想20年后生意是什么境况。〖同〗concept,conception,idea,dream;〖反〗reality,fact;

(4)幻觉(象)(sth seen in the imagination or in a dream)[C][尤 pl]:the romantic~s of youth 青年人的浪漫幻想;conjure up~s of married bliss 梦幻着婚姻的巨大幸福;have~s of wealth and glory/future triumphs/being a famous actor/getting a degree with first class honours 在幻觉中得到财富和荣耀/未来取得成功/成为著名演员/以优等成绩获得学位;When it began to snow,Jennie had~s of you abandoning the car and walking home. 天开始下雪的时候,珍妮脑际就出现了你丢下汽车,步行回家的情景。〖同〗ghost;

(5)绝好(特殊)的人或事(sth extraordinary)[C][N(of)](lit):really be a~确实漂亮;She was a~of loveliness/delight. 她是个美佳人/美得让人觉得赏心悦目。The clouds opened and they had a sudden~of the mountains. 云开雾散,群山突然展现在他们眼前。What a~of hopelessness the old woman looked. 那个老妇人看上去是多么绝望。

(6)电视图像(picture on a TV set)[U]:get good~看到清晰的图像;This TV set still has good sound, but the customer is complaining of poor~. 这台电视音质还好,可是顾客一直在埋怨图像效果差劲。

→′visionary adj 幻想的;′visionarily adv 空想地





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