单词 | boil |
释义 | boil/bɔ ɪl/ v & n v (1) 煮沸(heat (a liquid or the vessel con-taining it) to the temperature at which liquid turns into gas or steam)[T+n]:~water/milk烧水/煮奶;~the kettle/the pot用水壶/壶烧水;〖反〗freeze,cool; (2)沸腾((of a liquid or the vessel containing it) reach or be at this temperature)[I, I+adv(away)]:Is the water/the milk/the kettle/the pot~ing yet? 水/牛奶/水壶/壶开了吗? The water has~ed.水已经开了。At sea level water~s at 100℃. 水在海平面高度摄氏100度时沸腾。The water is~ing away on the fire.水在火上开着。The pot/saucepan is~ing away on the stove.壶/锅(里的水)在炉子上开着。~ing water 沸腾的水;The waves~ed around the ship. (fig)船四周水浪翻涌。The water~ed through the rapids. (fig)激流中水浪翻涌。I'm~ing in this thick coat! (fig)穿着这件厚上衣我热死了! immerse one's~ing body in a cool pool (fig) 把自己燥热的身体浸入冷水池中;〖反〗cool; (3) 煮((cause food to) cook in water at 100℃)[T+n, D+n+n, D+n+prep(for), I, I+adv(away)]:~cabbage/carrots煮白菜/胡萝卜;~ed potatoes煮熟的土豆;~sb an egg/an egg for sb 给某人煮一个鸡蛋;Let the vegetables~gently.让蔬菜慢慢煮吧。 The potatoes have~ed /have been~ing (away) for 20 minutes.土豆已经煮过了/一直煮了20分钟了。 (4) 煮成……(cause to reach the stated condition by cooking in water)[C+n+adj]:~an egg hard 把鸡蛋煮老了;soft-~ed eggs煮得很嫩的鸡蛋; (5) 发怒(be or become very excited and/or angry)[I, I+adv (over)]:She was~ing (over) with anger/rage 她怒气冲冲。〖同〗rage;〖反〗calm; boil dry 煮干:Don't let the pan/the vegetables/the water~dry. 别让锅/蔬菜/水煮干了。 boil away (v adv)煮干(vi & vt):The water has all~ed away.水都煮干了。 boil down (v adv) 1) 煮得变少(小) (vi & vt):The vegetable~s down.这蔬菜煮过后变少。~the bones down to jelly把骨头煮成糊状; 2) 压缩为 (vt):~a passage down to 300 words/half the original length/several brief sentences把一段落压缩为300字/原来的一半长/几个简短的句子; boil down to (v adv prep)归结起来是(vi & vt):The issue~s down to one of social priorities/a power struggle/a clash between right and left.这个问题归根到底是个社会特权/权利斗争/左右两派间冲突的问题。What it all seemed to~down to was money.这似乎归根结底就是钱的问题。 boil over (v adv) 1) 煮沸(vi):The milk/pan of water~ed over.牛奶/水壶煮沸(溢出来)了。2)爆发(为)(vi):The situation was about to~over.形势非常危急。The crisis~ed over into civil war.危机加剧爆发为内战。3) 愤怒 (vi) (infml):His temper/The man/The press just~ed over. 他/那人/新闻界简直是怒不可遏了。 →′boiler n 锅炉;′boiling adv 很热;′boiling-point n 沸点; n (1) 煮;沸腾(act or state of boiling)[U, a~]:give sth a good~把……好好煮一下;bring the soup to a rapid~使汤迅速沸腾; (2) 沸点(boiling point)[U, the~]:(kettle/pot/water/milk/soup) be on/come to the~(水壶/壶/水/牛奶/汤)正在开/煮开了;bring sth to the~把……煮开;off the~刚刚停止沸腾; 【说明】见BAKE。 |
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