单词 | virtue |
释义 | virtue/′vɜ:t⨜u:, AmE ′vɜ:r-/ n (1)品格高尚,正直善良 (goodness of character;moral excellence)[U]:a paragon of~一个尽善尽美的典型;lead a life of~过着积德行善的生活;He is a person/a man of great/the highest~. 他是一个道德高尚的人。Didn't Emerson say“V~is its own reward”?爱默生不是讲过“有德便是好报”吗?〖同〗goodness,uprightness,honour,honesty,integrity;〖反〗vice,wickedness,evil,sinfulness,dishonour; (2)美德(优良品质)(particular moral excellence)[C]:cardinal/natural/theological~s基本/天然/神学上的美德;extol/praise the~s of thrift 颂扬/赞美节约的优良品德;Honesty/Truthfulness/Loyalty/Courage/Patience is but one of his~s. 诚实/率真/忠诚/勇敢/耐心只是他的优秀品质之一。〖同〗strength,principle;〖反〗weakness,failing,fault; (3)优越性,长处(优点)(advantage)[C, U, the~][N(of)]:learn the~of keeping one's mouth shut 学习守口如瓶的优点;have the~of being adjustable/easy to clean有可调节/易于打扫的优点;The great~of air travel is speed. 空中旅行的巨大优越性就是速度快。One of the~s of this material is its hard-wearing nature. 这种材料的一个优点是其耐磨性。There is no~in waiting here for him any longer. 在这里继续等他没有用处。〖同〗benefit,advantage,value,reward;〖反〗disadvantage; (4)(药物)效果(effectiveness;power)[U, C]:There is little~in that medicine. 那种药没什么效力。(people)doubt the~of ancient country medicines in curing the sick (人们)怀疑古代乡间药物治病的药效; (5)贞操(chastity, esp of a woman)[U](fml):lose/preserve one's~失去/保持贞操;The queen's~is unquestioned. 女王的贞操是毫无疑问的。She escaped from his clutches with her~intact. 她免遭他的毒手,保住了自己的贞操。〖同〗innocence,modesty; by/in virtue of (fml)由于:By~of his high rank and position, the President takes social leadership almost over everyone else. 凭借显赫的地位和职位,总统在社会上几乎可以领导任何人。It was only by~of his indomitable will-power that he finally succeeded. 完全由于他不屈不挠的坚强意志,他才最后获得了成功。 make a virtue of necessity 把非做不可的事装成出于好心才做:New jobs aren't easy to get just now . You'll have to make a~of necessity and go on doing the job you've got. 眼下工作不易找到,你要心甘情愿地继续做你手里现有的工作。 →′virtuous adj 有道德的;′virtuously adv 正直地;′virtuousness n 有道德; 【辨异】virtue与goodness和morality的区别见GOODNESS。 |
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