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单词 ornament
释义 ornament) ent /'inamant; 'ornamsnt/ n 1 [U] adorning or being adorned; that which is added for decoration: 装饰; 装饰物: add sth by way of ~; 添加某物作为装饰; an altar rich in ~. 装饰华鹰的祭坛。 2 [C] sth designed or used to add beauty to sth else: 装饰品: a shelf crowded with ~s, eg small vases, statuettes, pieces of china. 摆满装饰品的架子 e 3 [C] person, act, quality, etc that adds beauty, charm, etc: 添加光彩的人; 增添优美或韵味的动作、品质等: He is an ~ to his profession. 他是一个为他霸业增光的人。 vt /'xnament; '2ras,mra1/ [VP6A, 14] be an ~ to; make beautiful: 装饰; 修饰: ~ a dress with lace. 用花边装饰衣服。 ornamental /.oina'mentl; yorna'mentl/ adj of or for ~. 装饰的:为着装饰的。 ornamentation / (o: namen'teijn ; pmamcnHeJan/ n [U] ~ing or being ~ed; that which ~s: 装麻; 宸装南; 装饰物: a church with no ~ ution. 没有发饰的被堂。




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