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单词 飞灾横祸

飞灾横祸飞来之祸;飞来横祸fēi zāi hèng huò

a disaster coming suddenly out of nowhere; un expected disaster (/trouble)
❍ 又想:“自己年纪可也不小了,家中又碰见这样~,不知何日了局。……” (《红楼梦》1180) “I’m no longer a boy,” he mused,“but now our family’s run into this bad trouble and there’s no knowing when it will blow over.…”/正当这刻上,想不到一场~落到他们头上。(梁斌《红旗谱》158) Then,without warning,great trouble came upon them.
❍ 说起来,挺气人,就是炉顶掉砖了,补好了也用不到好久,你看,出了这样的~,怎么能够竞赛。(艾芜《百炼成钢》152)It’s really a sad thing to tell. A few days ago our furnace roof cracked and some bricks fell down. It won’t last long even after repairing. So we cannot have a contest just now,with this disaster coming suddenly out of nowhere.





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