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(构词成分): ~ 飁 [lì xí] (大风) strong wind; fresh gale另见 see also sà。
[书] Ⅰ (风声) the sound of wind; sough; rustle Ⅱ ❶ (迅疾貌) swift; rapid ❷(衰败零乱) weakened; failing; declining; withered Ⅲ ❶ (大风吹物) (of strong wind) blow ❷ (风微微吹过) (of the wind) blow gently Ⅳ (忽; 顿然) suddenly; all of a sudden另见 see also lì。◆飒然 [书] soughing;飒飒 sough; rustle;飒爽 [书] of martial bearing; valiant