风言风语风言雾雨fēng yán fēng yǔan unfounded rumour;groundless talk; slanderous gossip ❍ 有的战士说,这些~不凭信,……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》30) Some said it was just a rumour,…/ “是刚来的那个短头发是不是?”金树旺也听到一点~。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》35) “Is it the girl with the bobbed hair who was just here?” Jin had heard some of the rumours. ❍ 老头听得不耐烦,他~听别人说过:“东山是党员,他不会买地放帐。”(李准《不能走那条路》4) He had heard bits of village talk,“Dongshan’s a member of the Communist Party; so he can’t buy land or lend out loans at high interest.” 风言风语fēnɡ yán fēnɡ yǔ比喻毫无根据或恶意中伤的言辞。groundless talk, groundless, gossip, slanderous gossip |