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单词 ordinary
释义 ordinary /'adinn US: 'ozrdanen; 'ordnen/ adj normal; usual; average: 正常的; 通常的; 善通南: -an ~ day's work; 日常的工作; ① ~ dress. 穿着平常的衣服。 in an ~ way, if the circumstances were ~ or usual. 若按常情; 就通常情形。妨 the ~ way, in ordination/original the usual or customary way. 通常地; 通例地; 惯'常地; 一般。~,by permanent appointment, not temporary or extraordinary: 常任的; 非临时的: physician in ~ to Her Majesty. 女王的常任医师; 绑医。 out of the ~, unusual. 不平常的。 ~ seaman, (abbr 略作 os) one who has not yet received the rank of able seaman (abbr 略作 A B). 二等水兵 (一等水兵为 able seaman)。rdinarHy /'ck- nsrsli US: ,xdnler3h ; prdn'erah/ adv in an ~ way: 通常地; 正常地; 一般: behave quite ordinarily. 行宁十分争常。




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