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单词 order
释义 order1 /'3:da (r); Ed 研 n 1 [U] way in which things are placed in relation to one another: 次序; 顺序: names in alphabetical ~; 照字母顺序排列的名字; in chronological ~, ie according to dates. 按年代顺序。 in ~ of, arranged according to: 照…桃歹 (j: in ~ of size/merit/importance, etc. 依大小 (功绩,重要性等) 次序排列。 2 [U] condition in which everything is carefully arranged; working condition. 有规律的状况; 工作状况。 (not) in ~, (not) as it should be: 处于 (不) 正常状况中; 情况良好 (不良): Is your passport in Has it all the necessary entries to satisfy the authorities? 你的护照办好了吗? He put/left his affairs/ accounts/papers in ~ before he left the country. 他出国前把他的事务 (帐目,文件) 都整理好了。 Get your ideas into some kind of ~ before beginning to write. 在动笔之前先把你的概念作一整理 good ~, without any confusion: 整齐; 不乱; 井然有序; 情况良好: The troops retired in good ~, Their retreat was orderly, disciplined. 军队秩序井然地撤退。 in good/bad/running/working ~, (esp of machines) working well/badly/smoothly, etc: (尤指机器) 运转良好 (不佳,正常) The engine has been tuned and is now in perfect running ~. 发动机已经调整过,现在运转十分良好。 “ f of ~, (of a machine, a bodily organ) not functioning properly: (指机器、身体器官) 坏了; 有毛病; 不能适当地起效用: The lift/phone is out of ~. 电梯 (电话) 坏了。 My stomach is out of ~. 我的胃有点毛病。 3 [U] (condition brought about by) good and firm government, obedience to law, rules, authority: 秩序; 良好与稳固的管理; 对法律、规则、权威的遵守: The army restored law and 晕萨夜法律与秩序恢复。 is the business of the police to keep ~. 维持秩序 (治安) 是书察的事。 Some teachers find it difficult to keep ~ in their classes/to keep their classes in ~. 有些敎师发现很难维持敎室秩序。 0 disorder. 4 [U] rules usual at a public meeting; rules accepted, eg in Parliament, committee meetings, by members and enforced by a president, chairman, or other officer. 会议规则; (国会,委员会会议等所遵守的) 议事规则; 会议程序; 会场秩序。 call (sb) to ~, (of the Speaker in the House of Commons, the chairman of a meeting, etc) request (a member, etc) to obev the rules, the usual procedures. (指英国下议院诫长、会议主席等) 请 (某人) 遵守会场秩序。 be in ~ to do sth, be according to the rules, etc: 依照规定等做某事: Is it in ~ to interrupt? 打岔 (插嘴) 合规矩吗? on a point of on a point (→question) of procedure. 在程序问题上。 ~ I O~! (used to call attention to a departure from the usual rules of debates or procedures). 守秩序!守秩序! ~ the day. programme of business to be discussed. 当日诞程。 ' ~- paper n written or printed ~ of the day. 当日议面丛。 standing ~s, cstanding 5 [C] com mand given with authority: 命令: Soldiers must obey ~s. 军人必须服从命令。 He gave ~s for the work to be started/ that the work should be started at once. 他下令立刻开始工作。 be under ~s (to do sth), have received ~s: 奉命 (做某事): He is under ~s to leave for Finland next week. 他寿命下星期前往芬兰。 by ~ of, according to directions given by proper authority of: 奉…之命: by ~ of the Governor. 奉省 (州) 长之命。 under the ~s of, commanded by. 受…宙挥。 under starters' ~ s, start1. 6 [C] request to supply goods; the goods (to be) supplied: 定购; 定单; 定货; (待) 交付之货: si ~ for two tons of coal; 二吨煤的定单; give a tradesman an ~ for goods; 向商人定购货物; fill an supply the goods asked for. 交 The butcher has called for ~s, to ask what is wanted. 肉商来问需要什么肉。 on ~, requested but not yet supplied. 定购中。 made to ~, made according to the customer's special requirements or instructions. 定做的。 ready-made at ready, a large/ tall ~, (colloq) sth difficult to do or supply. (俗) 难做的事; 难供应之物。 '~-book n one in which a tradesman, commercial traveller, manufacturer, etc writes down ~s for goods: 定货薄: The company has full ~-books, orders for large quantities of goods. 该公司有多本满满的定货簿 (有大量的定货) 。 1~-form n printed form with blank spaces to be filled in by the customer. 定货单。 7 [C] written direction to a bank “ banker, ~) or post office ('postal ~) to pay money, or giving authority to do sth: (银行或邮局之) 滙票; 授权凭证: an ~ on O'Reilly's Bank; 欧来到银行滙票; a postal ~ for £9, 九镑的邮政滙票; an ~ to view, eg from an estate-agent to inspect a house that is for sale. 察看许可书 (例如房地产经纪人所开让人察看出售房屋者) 。 8 [U] purpose, intention, 目的; 意向。 in ~ to do sth, with the purpose of doing sth, with a view to doing sth: 欲作某事; 为了做某事: in ~ (for you) to see clearly. 为着 (使你) 看得淸楚。 in ~ that, with the intention that; so that: 为了; 以便: in ~ that he may/might/shall/should arrive in time. 以便他能及时到逹。 9 [C] group of people belonging to or appointed to a special class (as an honour or reward): 属于或被列入某一特殊等级 (作为一种荣讐或报酬) 的一批人: the O ~。 f Merit/ of Knights/of the Bath/of the Golden Kite, etc; 获得殊功勋位 (爵士勋位,巴斯勋位,金鸢勋位等) 的一批人; badge, sign, etc worn by members of such an ~: (有此类勋位者所佩带的) 前章; 勋位标志: wearing all his ~s and decorations. 佩带着他所有的勋章和奖章。 10 (pl) authority given by a bishop to perform church duties. (U) 主敎所盅予以便履行敎会职责的权力; 牧师职。 be in/take (holy) ~s, be/ become a priest. 担任牧师 (受圣职; 就任牧师职) 。 11 [C] class of persons on whom holy ~s have been conferred: 亟职人员阶级: the 。 ~ of Deacons/ Priests/Bishops. 执事 (牧师,主敎) 阶级。 12 [C] group of persons living under religious rules: 殷团; 修道会: the monastic ~s; 修士会; the ~ of Dominicans. 圣多明尼克敎会。 13 [C] method of treating architectural forms, esp of columns (pillars) and capitals, esp the classical ~s (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian). (尤指柱子与柱冠的) 建筑形式; 柱范; 柱式 (尤指古典柱式) (Doric order, 希腊 Doris 地方流行的一种最古朴的柱式; Ionic order, 希腊 Ionia 地方流行的一种雕刻较精的柱式; Corinthian order, 希腊 Corinth 地方流行雌刻最华丽的柱式) 。 → the illus at column, 参看 column 之插图。 14 (biol) [C] highest division under class in the grouping of animals, plants, etc: (生物) 目 (生物分类中仅次于'纲' 的分类): The rose and the bean families belong to the same ~. 蔷薇科与豆科属于同一个目。 15 [C] kind; sort: 种; 类: intellectual ability of a high 高等胡智能。 16 [U] arrangement of military forces: 军队的排列; 队形; 序列: advance in review on parade; (阅兵中) 以分列式行进; advance in extended ~, in battle. (战斗中) 以疏开队形前进。 advance in open/close ~, with wide/with only slight spaces between the men, etc. 以散开 (密集) 队形前进。




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