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单词 view
view/vju: / n & v

n (1)视线(野)(sight; field of vision) [U]:It was my first~of the ocean. 这是我第一次看到大海。(ship/light/red roofs of cottages) come into (the field of one's)~ (船/灯光/农舍的红屋顶)映入眼帘;(sb) come in~of the lake/the wide plain below(某人)看见湖/把脚下的莽原尽收眼底;(the sun) disappear from~behind a cloud(太阳)消失在云后; (sb) be lost from~among the crowd(某人)消失在人群中; block (obstruct) one's~of... 挡住……的视线; (car/plane) be lost to/pass out of one's~(汽车/飞机)不见了/消失了;(mountain/deer) be just out of~(山/鹿)刚刚从视野中消逝;(there be) a house/a lake in~可以看到房子/湖;There is no shelter within~anywhere. 一眼望去哪里都没有躲避之处。(the time) be in~when ……的(时间)临近;keep the ship/every possibility/one's career aims in~始终瞧着那只船/一直在考虑所有可能性/牢记自己事业的目标;have the reform/an object/several things in~心中想着改革/目标/几件事;have a new hospital/nothing else in~打算建一家新医院/没什么打算; fall off one's bike in full~of passers-by在过路人众目睽睽之下摔下自行车;a bird's eye~鸟瞰;〖同〗vision,sight;

(2)展望(可见之物),风景(prospect;scene)[C]:enjoy the magnificent/splendid~s from the summit 从山顶欣赏壮丽/壮观的风景;(there be) a fine/no~from the balcony/the front of the house 从阳台/房前可看到漂亮的景色/看不到什么景致; (house/sb) have a fine~of the hills/the rose-garden(房子/某人)面对优美的山峦/玫瑰园;sketch out/paint 10 different~s of Peking/the harbour on picture postcard 为明信片画北京/海湾10景;〖同〗outlook,scene,prospect,spectacle,perspective,landscape,picture;

(3)观(察)看(examination or inspection)[C]:get/have a good (better/nearer)~of the pianist/the procession/the painting/the country 能清楚(更清楚/更近)地观看钢琴家/游行队伍/油画/乡间的风景;be given a private~of the exhibition 得到机会看预展;(pictures/exhibits/entire range of cars/the latest styles in winter dresses) be on~to the public (young people) 为公众(年轻人)展出(绘画/展品/各种汽车/冬季时装); collection of prints/the hand work of the pupils on~展出的出版物收藏品/学生手工劳动制品;

(4)见解,观点(thought or opinions)[C,尤pl][N(about/on)]:~s on the subject/sb's resignation/free university education 有关该主题/某人辞职/大学免费教育的见解;share rosy/have different~(s) about sth 分享对某事的乐观见解/不同看法;discuss/exchange~s of life 讨论/交换生活上的见解;hold/express/air strong political~s 持有/表达/表明强硬的政治观点;oppose/support sb's extreme~s 反对/支持某人极端的想法;fall in with (fml)/agree with the committee's~s 赞成/同意委员会的观点;respect/consider everyone's point of~(~point)尊重/考虑每个人的观点;in one's~(in the~of sb), (the offence) be not a serious one 在某人看来,(过错)并不严重;〖同〗opinion,feeling,attitude,belief,thought,judgment;

(5)印象;综观(mental impression;general survey or summary)[C, 通常sing];a general/controversial~of English literature (modern art) 对英国文学(当代艺术)的整体了解/引起争议的综述; (lawyer) form a clear~of the case(律师)对案件形成清晰印象;take a realistic/favourable/pessimistic/optimistic~of the problem 对那个问题持现实/赞成/悲观/乐观态度;take an overall~of the problem 从整体看那个问题;take a dim/poor/serious~of sb's suggestion (infml) 对某人的建议持怀疑/反对/严肃认真的观点;take a benevolent/gloomy/lenient~of sb's behavior (chances/future) 对某人举止(机遇/未来)持有仁慈/忧郁/宽厚的看法;The scientific/legal/medical~is that... 从科学/法律/医学的角度来看……;take the longof/about going to school 对求学的问题从长计议(看得远一些);inof the recent developments/one's stern opposition/what sb tells me 考虑到(由于)最近的发展情况/某人坚定的反对立场/某人告诉我的情况;

(6)目标,企图(object;intention)[C]:buy the land/decorate the house with ato doing sth (selling it) 买土地/装修房子是为了做点事情(倒卖掉);walk to work with ato cutting down expenses 徒步上班是为了省些费用;get a gun with ato murdering sb 搞枪是为了谋杀某人; study with ato going to university 学习是为了上大学;call with ato seeing if... 打电话为的是看看……;write letters/negotiate with each other with ato the vacancy (united action) (fml)写信/谈判为谋求空缺职位(联合行动);

→′viewfinder n 相机取景器;′viewpoint n 观点;′viewless adj 无见解(景色)的;

v (1)(观)(察)看 (look at;inspect)[T+n]:~the parade/the new coin/the record/the scene of crime (with astonishment) (吃惊地)观看游行/审查新硬币/查看案卷/察看犯罪现场;~the battle through binoculars通过望远镜观察作战情况; (film) be~ed by the censor(电影)由审查员审查;open for~ing 房门敞开供查看;〖同〗watch,see,look at,witness,observe,eye,inspect,examine;

(2)看待,考虑(consider;examine mentally)[T+n T+n+prepC+n+n/adj]:(history/person)~sb/the problem/one's chances of success/all sides of a question(历史/某人)看待某人/这个问题/自己成功的可能性/一个问题的各个方面;(proposal/future developments) be~ed unfavourably (建议/未来发展)受到否定;V~ed from outside, the city seem highly developed. 从外表看,这城市似乎高度发达。~oneself as a rebel 把自己视为叛逆者;~one's action as unnecessary 认为自己的行动没有必要;(the attack on the ship) be~ed as an act of war (袭击船只/某人不懂法律的行为)被看作是战争事端;〖同〗think about,regard,consider,perceive,judge;

(3)看电视 (watch TV)[I]:the~ing public看电视的广大观众;

→′viewer n 观众;观察器;

【说明】view (n)可表示人在窗口所见景色。aspect或 outlook表示房子面临、朝向何物。这三个名词都有引申含义:view可表示“观点”,如:What are your views(= your opinions) on reform?(你对改革的看法是什么?)aspect可表示“方面”,如:We must consider the proposal from every aspect (=way of looking at it). (我们应该从各个方面来看这个建议。) outlook(以及prospect)表示“前景”,如:Trade is bad, and the outlook for next year is even worse. (生意不景气,明年前景更暗淡。)

【辨异】 1)viewscenescenry的区别见SCENE;2)viewopinion的区别见OPINION。





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