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单词 风吹雨打

风吹雨打fēng chuī yǔ dǎ

be battered (/buffeted)by the wind and the rain; be exposed to all kinds of weather; get drenched in the storm; go through storm and stress; be weather-beaten
❍ 无非是受了点~嘛!(宗福先《于无声处》12) Just got buffeted by the wind and the rain,that’s all.
❍ 一生下来就不缠娘,三岁离开爹爹,~,不知怎么就长大了。(杨朔《三千里江山》7)Mother died when I was born and father died when I was barely three. But,rain and shine,I somehow managed to grow up.
❍ 她说的定是小农经济,怕~。(周立波《山乡巨变》91) She must have said,the small peasant economy can’t stand up against storms.
❍ 外表是个老虎,但是,是纸的,经不起~。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—291) Outwardly a tiger,it is made of paper,unable to withstand the wind and the rain.


be battered (or buffeted)by wind and rain;upheaval;storm and stress

风吹雨打fēnɡ chuī yǔ dǎ

比喻艰苦严峻的考验,也比喻遭受磨难与波折。expose to wind and rain, go through storm and stress, be battered by a storm





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