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单词 颠沛流离

颠沛流离流离颠沛diān pèi liú lí

drift from place to place; homeless and miserable; lead a vagrant life;wander about in a desperate plight
❍ 最近江浙战争,又耳闻目睹了不少流离颠沛的惨事;……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》315) During the recent warfare in the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang he had personally witnessed many tragic cases of hardship and up heaval;…/我把这几年~的生活,讲给他听,他不住地点头。(陶承《我的一家》88) I went on to tell him about our wandering life in the last few years. He listened attentively,nodding every now and then.
❍ 我们不少人就是在那种暗无天日的岁月中,~,含辛茹苦地度过了大半生。(郭沫若《科学的春天》) Those were days of darkness,when many of us spent most of our lives wandering from place to place enduring all kinds of hardships.


drift from place to place;lead a vagrant life;homeless and miserable; wander about in a desperate plight
人民~。People drifted away from home,destitute and miserable.

颠沛流离流离颠沛diān pèi liú lí

颠沛:跌倒,比喻穷困,受挫折;流离:流落。指生活遭到挫折、困难而四处流浪。drift from place to place, wander about in a desperate plight, lead a vagrant life





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:30:42