释义 |
颠倒衣裳diān dǎo yī shangput on one’s clothes upside down (/topsy-turvy) ❍ 东方未明,~。颠之倒之,自公召之。(《诗经·齐风·东方未明》)Before the east was bright,|I was putting on my clothes upside down;|I was putting them on upside down,|And there was one from the court calling me. ❍ 昔尧聘许由,面无怍色,先生何为~?(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》) When the Sage-king Yao summoned the recluse Xu You for an interview,Xu showed no sign of embarrassment in his face. Why are you putting your clothes on topsy-turvy? |