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❶ (上下震荡) jolt;bump:汽车在崎岖的道路上 ~ 得很厉害。 The car jolted badly over the rough road.
❷ (跌落;倒下来) fall;turn over;topple down:~ 覆 overturn;subvert
❸ [方] (跳起来跑 ;跑) run;go away:整天跑跑 ~ ~ be on the go all day long Ⅱ ❶ (头顶) crown (of the head)
❷ (高而直立的物体的顶端) top;summit:山 ~ mountain top;
塔 ~ the top of a pagoda
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 颉 Dian Jie Ⅲ 同“癫”[diān] same as “癫”[diān]
◆颠簸 jolt;bump;toss;thrashing;
颠倒 (上下倒置) put [turn] upside down;overthrow;confound;transpose;reverse;invert;(心神错乱) confused;disordered;
颠倒黑白 (颠倒是非) call white black and black white — confuse right and wrong;confound black and white;give a false account of the true facts;invert [overthrow] justice;make black look white,and white look black;pass off black as white;prove that black is white;stand facts on their heads;talk [turn] black into white;turn matters upside down;transpose black and white;
颠倒是非 confuse truth and falsehood;confound right and wrong;distort truth;give a false account of the true facts;invert [overthrow] justice;lead or delude people's error;reversal of right and wrong;reverse right and wrong;Right and wrong are reversed.;stand facts on their heads;the perversion of truth;turn right into wrong;turn things upside down;
颠覆 overturn;subvert;overthrow;
颠来倒去 over and over;
颠连 [书] (困苦) hardship;trouble;difficulty;(连绵不断) peak upon peak;
颠沛 be in destitution;suffer setbacks;
颠沛流离 wander [drift] from place to place,enduring many hardships;be a vagabond,not by choice but by necessity;be put to one's shift,away from home;be vagrant on account of poverty;in difficulty and distress;lead a homeless life;lead a vagrant life;wander about in a desperate plight [in distress];颠扑不破 be able to withstand heavy battering;(The argument is) inconfutable.;(The truth is) incontestible.;(The point is) incontrovertible.;indisputable;(truth,theory) stand despite time and argument;irrefutable;(The argument is) irresistible.;(The challenge is) unanswerable.;(principles) which cannot be broken by criticism;
颠茄 {植} Atropa belladonna;
颠三倒四 incoherent;all in confusion;confused;disorderly;turn everything topsy-turvy [upside down]





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