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单词 body
body/′bɒdi, AmE ′bɑ:d-/ n [-yies /z/]

(1) 身(肉)体 (whole physical structure of a human being or an animal as opposed to the mind or soul) [C]:develop one's~锻炼身体;have a strong healthy~有强健的体魄;~clock/language/heat/odour/cells生物钟/身体语言/体热/体臭/人体细胞;His whole~felt as if it were on fire. 他觉得全身火烧火燎的。〖反〗soul,spirit,mind;

(2) 躯体(干)(main part of a human body excluding the head arms and legs)[C]:He has a strong~, but rather thin legs.他的躯体很粗壮,但两腿很瘦。His~was badly burned but his face was unhurt. 他的身躯严重烧伤,但脸没有伤着。respond with slow movements of one's arms, legs and~四肢和身体的反应迟缓;~stocking女用连裤袜;〖同〗trunk;

(3) 尸体(dead body)[C]:Several~ies were washed ashore from the wreck. 失事船只上的好几具尸体冲到了岸边。The battlefield was covered with~ies.战场上尸横遍地。bring sb's~back for burial 把某人的尸体运回来埋葬;bury sb's~掩埋某人的尸体;

(4) 主体(main part of anything)[C the~](用于短语the ~of中):the~of a plane/a ship/a car 机身/船体/车身;the~of a theatre/a concert hall 剧院/音乐厅的大厅(观/听众席);the~of a book/a letter 书/信的正文;the great~of literature浩瀚的文献资料;

(5) 团(群)体(organized group of people considered to be working or acting as one)[C Gp]:a legislative/elected/corporate~立宪委员会/经选举而组成的机构/法人;a government/professional~一个政府/专业团体;the student~of a university 一所大学的学生们;The school/college governing~meet(s) once a term.学校/学院行政部门一个学期开一次会。 local voluntary~ies当地的自愿者团体;a~of troops/supporters/people一支集团军/一群支持者/一群人; 〖同〗group;

(6) 大量(large amount of sth; collection of related things)[C][N(of)]:a large (huge)~of facts/information/evidence/support 大量的事实/信息/证据/支持;large~ies of water大片的水域; 〖同〗quantity,mass;

(7) 物体( piece of matter; object)[C]:heavenly/celestial~ies天体(如:星星、月亮等);a falling~落体;a foreign~in one's eyes 眼中异物;〖同〗object;

(8) 浓郁的气味(quality of being strong esp of wine)[U]:a wine with plenty of/fine~醇酒;This wine has good/very little~.这酒味醇/索然无味。This shampoo will give your hair some~.这种洗发水会使你的头发有股幽香。

(9) 人(尤女人)(person usu woman)[C] (infml):She is a dear old/cheerful old/quiet sort of~. 她是一位可爱的老人/快活的老人/安祥的人。the oddest things a~ever saw一个人闻所未闻的怪事;

body and soul 全心全意:love sb/fight for sth~and soul全身心地爱/为……而斗争;

keep body and soul together 维持生存:hardly eat enough/earn enough/have enough money to keep~and soul together 吃的东西/赚的钱/有的钱几乎不够维持生存;

in a body 全体:resign/arrive/march in a~一起辞职/到达/迈进;

→′bodyguard n 保镖;′bodywork n 车身(外壳);′bodily adj 人(肉)体的;adv 全部(体),整个;′body-building n 健身;′body-snatcher n 盗尸者;

【注意】不可说:My body is healthy.而应说:I am healthy.(我身体健康)。一般不说(画像除外):She has a lovely body.而应说:She has a lovely figure. (她形体很美。)





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