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单词 very
very/′veri/ adv & adj [无comp

adv (1)(与形容词、副词、分词连用)非常(很)(extremely;exceedingly):~useful/few 非常有用/少;~quick/soon 很快/快;a~exciting film/amusing story 非常激动人心的电影/有趣的故事;I feel~touched by his sincerity.他的真挚使我很受感动。~high frequency (VHF) (30至300兆赫的)甚高频;“Is Tom~busy the moment?”“Not~.”“汤姆现在很忙吗?”“不太忙。” “Please post the letter at once.”“V~good, sir.”“请立刻把信寄出去”。“好吧,先生。”(表示同意的说法);“Please be home before midnight. ”“V~well.”“午夜前请回家来。”“好吧。”(表示勉强同意);〖同〗extremely,exceedingly,quite,most,terribly,awfully;

(2)(与形容词最高级以及own first last 等词连用)极其(完全);正是 (absolutely; precisely): the~best quality/worst bedspread 最佳质量/糟糕的床罩;He won't arrive till 3 the~earliest/latest. 他最早/最迟下午3点抵达。She has a checkbook of her~own. 她有自己个人的支票簿。The~first thing you must do is ring the police. 你必须要做的第一件事就是报警。This is the~last time I help him. 这是我最后一次帮助他。He drank the wine to the~last drop. 他把酒喝得精光。He reduced the expenses to the~minimum. 他把开销缩减到最低限度。He had not so~many more years to live. 他不能再活这么多年了。He gave me the~same message as he gave you. 他给我的消息与给你的一模一样。

adj (1)正是,恰恰,真正(being no other than;absolute;actual)[作 attrib](用以加强语气):the~thing for sb's purpose 正是某人想要的东西;die at the~height of one's fame 恰恰在声望如日中天时去世; be caught in the~act of stealing 正好在偷窃现场被抓获;We'd a school teacher the~image of him. 我们的中学教师非常像他。He did it under your~eyes. 他正是在你的眼皮底下做的那件事。Fancy him asking to borrow money—the~idea/thought! 想像不到他竟张口借钱——真不可思议!(表示对他人所做的事或所说的话感到惊异);〖同〗same,identical,precise,actual,exact;right,correct;

(2)仅仅(mere):The~idea (thought) of it terrified me/delighted me/was distressing/gave me goose flesh. 一想到这我就感到恐怖/我就感到高兴/就让人忧伤/我就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。The~suggestion of a sea voyage makes him feel seasick. 就连听到航海旅行的建议也会使他感觉头晕。The~sight of clams makes him feel ill. 只要一看见哈蜊就会使他感到要呕吐。The~fact of his presence is enough. 单是他出席了这个事实就足可以了。〖同〗mere,sheer,simple,unconditional;

(3)特殊的,确切的(particular;precise;true):Who knows his~words/thoughts? 谁知道他的原话/真正心思?At that~moment the door bell rang. 恰在这时门铃响了。She wept from the~joy of knowing he was safe. 得知他安然无恙,她高兴得流下了眼泪。a~fool 十足的傻瓜;

(4)极其(端)(being such in the extreme):the~heart of the matter 事物的实质;at the~end of the meeting/the beginning of the party/the top of the tree 在会议的最后/晚会一开始/树顶;

【注意】不要过多使用very一词,否则会失去真正的强调作用和真实性。下边的句子如省去very更显得真实:We had a (very) good time. He's a (very) tall man. It (very) often rains in September.

【用法】very much 修饰动词(She likes Dickens very much.);much或very much修饰过去分词 (The old man is (very) much loved by everyone. );very修饰形容词或形容词性-ed分词和形容词性-ing分词(Tom is very talented/interesting.)。

【说明】very偶有最高级形式,用在诗歌之中,如:the veriest fool alive/child(世界上头号大傻瓜/如此这般的一个孩子)。





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