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单词 olive
释义 olive /'oliv; 'otiv/ n 1 cthe illus at tree. 参看 tree 乏插图。 '~ (-tree), (evergreen tree common in 8 Europe bearing a) small oval fruit with a hard stone-like seed and a bitter taste, yellowish-green when unripe and bluish-black when ripe; used for pickling, to be eaten as a relish, and for oil, -'oil), which is used for cooking, dressing salads, etc. 橄檀树(盛产于南欧); 橄横(呈精圆形,果核坚如石,味苦,未成熟时为黄绿色,成熟时呈蓝黑色; 用之腌泡以制成美味食品,所制成之橄榄油 clive-oii 用于烹调、调生菜等)。 2 leaf, branch or wreath of ~ as an emblem of peace. 作为和平象征的橄覆叶、 橄榄枝或酿鹰枝叶圈。 .hold out the ' ~-branch, show that one is ready to discuss peace-making. 表示愿意讲和。 adj the colour of the unripe fruit, yellowish-green or yellowish-brown. 橄赝色的; 黄缝色的; 黄褐色的。




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