释义 |
顿开茅塞茅塞顿开dùn kāi máo sèbe suddenly enlightened (by sb’s words); illuminating; render everything clear; suddenly see the light ❍ 不意蜀中多出俊杰! 恰闻讲论,使仆~。(《三国演义》738) I know not that there was so much ability in this land. I am happy to have heard such a discourse. Now all obstructions have disappeared,and I see quite clearly. ❍ 宝玉笑道: “听见妹妹讲究的,叫人~,所以越听越爱听。”(《红楼梦》1135)“My cousin’s conversation is so illuminating,I could never tire of listening,”he told her. ❍ 权大悦曰: “先生之言,~。吾意已决,更无他疑。”(《三国演义》380) Sun Quan joyfully replied,“Your words,master,open up the road clearly. I have decided and shall have no further doubts.”/先生之言,~,使备如拨云雾而睹青天。(《三国演义》382) Your words,O Master,render everything so clear that it seems the clouds are swept aside and I see the clear sky. 顿开茅塞dun kai mao sesuddenly see the light 顿开茅塞茅塞顿开dùn kāi máo sè顿:立刻;茅:茅草;塞:阻塞。指原来心里如同被茅草阻塞着一样,现在忽然一下子打开了。suddenly see the light, render everything clear, illuminating, be suddenly enlightened |