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单词 顾全大局

顾全大局gù quán dà jú

bear the whole situation in mind; consider the situation as a whole; give due consideration to the over-all situation ; keep in mind the interest of the whole; take the interests of the whole into account
❍ 我们历来的原则,就是提倡~,互助互让。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—277) It is our consistent principle to advocate consideration for the general interest and mutual help and accommodation.
❍ 慢着,跟我一块儿上厂里去,让你再去看看工人们是多么平静,多么~! (茅盾 《子夜》 143) Just a minute! If you'll just come down to the factory with me,you'll be able to see for yourself how quiet everything is now and how calm the women are to consider the interests of the factory a s a whole!/他们三个都一致主张要和气,尽量让菊英不好意思争执,要让常有理和惹不起忍着点气来~。(赵树理 《三里湾》 107) All three agreeed that they must be so cordial that she found it difficult to ask for too much. Always Right and Spitfire would have to curb their tempers for the sake of the general good.
❍ 时局很紧张,~吧,不必对外人说。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ —233) The situation is becoming critical,so for the sake of our cause don't mention this to anybody else.
❍ 为了~,劝你们看清时势,离开学校吧!(梁斌《红旗谱》 363) In view of the general situation,we advise you to be realistic and leave the school,…/他大公无私,光明磊落,~,坚决维护党的团结和统一。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—2) He was selfless,open and aboveboard,took the interests of the whole into account and staunchly safeguarded the Party's unity and unification.


take the interest of the whole into account; consider the situation as a whole;(advocate) consideration for the general (or larger)interest

顾全大局ɡù quán dà jú

大局:整体。照顾全局性的利益,使之不受损害。take the situation as a whole into consideration, beat the overall interest in mind, bear the whole situation in mind





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