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单词 venture
venture/′vent⨜ ǝ(r)/ n;v [-d,-d/d/; -eing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)冒险(活动)(undertaking involving risk or uncertainty)[C]:(one's courage) be equal to any~(某人的勇气)足以进行任何冒险活动;embark on/undertake a~从事/进行冒险活动;choose a successor at a~(fml)随便挑选一位继承人;draw a bow at a~猜测;

(2)商业冒险(project esp commercial one where there is risk of failure)[C]:~capital 风险资本;joint business~合资企业;a costly/lucky~in oil stock 高代价/走运的石油股票投机;the only~as a writer 作为作者的唯一努力(冒险);〖同〗undertaking,project,gamble,risk,plunge;〖反〗certainty,security,safety,protection;

v (1)冒险(大胆)去 (dare to go (somewhere), as part of adventure)[I+prep I+adv](fml):~into a strange place/a forest/a jungle (without a guide) (在没有向导的情况下) 冒险涉足陌生之地/进入大森林/步入茂密的丛林;~over the wall/near the edge of a cliff/on the river in a small boat 冒险越墙/靠近悬崖边/乘坐河中小舟;~out of doors for the first time第一次大胆地到户外;~far from the hole/out in the heavy rain/out into the darkness 大胆远离洞口/冒大雨外出/走进茫茫夜色;~on(upon) sth/a trip up the Amazon 大胆尝试某事/逆亚马逊河进行冒险旅行;〖同〗travel,go,plunge;

(2)大胆(冒险)行事(brave the danger of)[T+n T+to-inf](fml):~a visit to a doctor/a voyage 冒然去看医生/大胆去航海;~to interrupt the speaker/kiss sb's hand/touch a tiger 冒然打断演讲人/吻某人的手/摸老虎;Nothing~(d), nothing gain(ed)/win(won)/have (had). 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。〖同〗risk,dare,undertake,attempt;〖反〗assure,secure,guarantee;save,protect;

(3)敢说(大胆表示)(offer at the risk of opposition)[T+n T+to-inf](fml):~an opinion/an objection/a word of advice/(to make) a suggestion 敢于提见解/反对意见/意见/建议;~to say that .../disagree/suggest that...敢说……/大胆持不同意见/大胆建议……;〖同〗advance,put forward;

(4)冒失去……的危险(expose to hazard risk of losing or failing in sth)[T+n T+n+prep(on/upon)](fml):~one's life in war 在战争中冒生命危险;~all one's money on the final try/a small bet on a horse 将所有的钱孤注一掷(作最后一次冒险)/在一匹马上下一笔小赌注;

→′venturer n 冒险者;′venturesome adj 有风险的;′venturous adj 有冒险精神的;

【说明】venture与adventure 皆可用作动词和名词,皆含有“冒生命或经济风险”之意。adventure 较为常用,常暗含“兴奋激动”的意思,可带有、也可没有“危险”的含义;用于复数形式,常表示一个故事中人物的惊险经历,如:The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (《辛巴德海上历险记》)。






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