释义 |
顺理成章shùn lǐ chéng zhāng〔of a statement,argument,etc.〕 lucid and logical; well reasoned;in a clear and ordered pattern ❍ 不但将来着手实行,可以减少困难,在中国也~,免得“圣人之徒” 听了害怕,总算是一举两得之至的事了。(鲁迅《坟》103) This will not only simplify matters for us when we become fathers in future,but since precedents exist in China for such presumptions,“the sages disciples”should not be frightened off. In fact,this is killing two birds with one stone. ❍ 待为臣子的办好,到时候皇上自然就会~地面南受贺。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》294) If you wait until your ministers have arranged everything then Your Majesty can ascend the throne at the appropriate time and receive homage with decorum and propriety. 顺理成章❶(of a statement,argument,etc) logical; coherent; well reasoned ❷justifiable 由儿子继承父亲的遗产~。It is justifiable for the son to inherit his father’s heritage./子承父业~。It is only logical (or natural)for the son to carry on his father’s cause. 顺理成章shùn lǐ chénɡ zhānɡ形容做事或写文章遵循事理就能顺利地完成。to write well, one must follow a logical train of thought, well reasoned, follow as a matter of course |