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顺水人情shùn shuǐ rén qínga favour done at little or no cost (to oneself); a friendly gesture without extra cost; do sb a favour that costs one nothing ❍ 梅佐贤心里想:徐守仁你自己讲话都不听,别人说了有屁用,不过~不妨做做,成功不成功不能怪别人,要看他自己。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—130) Mei Zuoxian thought to himself:if he won’t listen to you, to Xu Yide himself,it’ll be a fat lot of good anybody else talking to him,though I don’t mind doing you a favour that costs me nothing:though whether the attempt is successeful or not is up to him,you can’t hold me responsible./“没有什么。”李主席和他爱人感情好,除开有特殊的缘故,他天天都要回去睡,落得做一个~。(周立波《山乡巨变》26) “No trouble at all.”Chairman Li and his wife were on good terms; unless there was some specialreason,he always went home to sleep,so he could easily make this gesture. 顺水人情a favor done at little or no cost 顺水人情shùn shuǐ rén qínɡ指顺便做的人情。a favour done at little cost to oneself, a favour done at little or no cost |