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❶ (向着同一个方向) in the same direction as; with: ~ 流而下 go downstream; ~ 时针方向 clockwise
❷ (依着自然情势; 沿着) along; in the direction of: ~ 小道上山 go up the mountain along the path; 水 ~ 着渠道流进地里。 Water runs along the channel to the fields. ~ 着这条路走到拐角处。 Follow this road to the corner. Ⅱ ❶ (有条理) clear and well-written: 这篇作文写得还 ~。 This essay is grammatically smooth and readable.
❷ (依次) in sequence: 这些号码是一 ~ 的。 These are serial numbers. Ⅲ ❶ (使有条理次序) arrange; put in order: 把船 ~ 过来。 Set the boat orderly. 这篇文章还得 ~ 一 ~。 This essay needs polishing.
❷ (适合;如意) be suitable; be agreeable: 不 ~ 他的意 not fall in with his wishes
❸ (趁便) take the opportunity to: ~ 致最崇高的敬意。 I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.
❹ (顺从) obey; yield to; act in submission to: 百依百 ~ docile and obedient; all obedience; 不能总是 ~ 着孩子。 We can't always humour the child the way we do. 他不对嘛, 怎么能 ~ 着他呢? How can we do as he wishes when he's obviously wrong? Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 仁 Shun Ren
◆顺坝 {水} longitudinal dike; wall; bank;
顺便 conveniently; in passing; while you are at it; without extra effort;
顺差 favourable balance; surplus; be in the black;
顺产 eutocia; normal childbirth; natural labour;
顺畅 smooth; unhindered;
顺磁 {物} paramagnetic;
顺次 in order; in succession; in proper sequence; in turn; by turns; turn;
顺从 be obedient to; submit to; yield to; fall in with;
顺当 smoothly; without a hitch;
顺导 guide or steer (a movement, etc.) along its proper course;
顺道(儿) direct route;
顺丁橡胶 cis-polybutadiene; cisdene; {化} butadiene rubber;
顺耳 pleasing to the ear; pleasant to the ear;
顺风 {气} following wind; tailwind; favourable wind; downwind helping wind; good luck;
顺风吹火 do a job made easy by outside help; have a favourable wind to blow the fire;
顺风耳 clairaudience; person in traditional Chinese novels who can hear voices a long way off; well-informed person; old-fashioned lound speaker;
顺风转舵 trim one's sails; take one's cue from changing conditions; tack with the wind;
顺服 gladly serve under; submit; be obedient;
顺竿儿爬 follow sb.'s cue and do everything to please him; fawn; act as a yes-man; readily fall in with other people's wishes;
顺光 {摄} frontlighting;
顺和 (of speech) soothing;
顺乎民意 conform with the will of the people; 顺乎自然 in the course of nature;
顺脚 on the way; direct route;
顺境 favourable circumstances;
顺口 read smoothly; speak casually;say without thinking;say offhandedly; [方] suit one's taste;
顺口溜 doggerel; jingle;
顺浪 following sea; stern sea;
顺理成章 (To write well, you must) follow a logical train of thought.; (To do something well, you must) follow a rational line.; follow as a matter of course; in a clear and ordered pattern; (of a statement, argument, etc.) logical; well-reasoned;
顺利 plain sailing; smooth going; without a hitch; smoothly; successfully;
顺流 fair current; fair tide; {矿} down-flow;
顺路 on the way; direct route; regular route;
顺民 people who surrendered to their new lord; people who leave their fate to heaven; abjectly obedient citizens;
顺情 show respect for what others feel; {哲} allow people to fulfill their natural feelings; in harmony with one's feelings and reason;
顺时 up time; be in luck; on time;
顺时针 clockwise (C.W.);
顺势 take advantage of an opportunity (as provided by an opponent's reckless move); at one's convenience; (do sth.) without taking extra trouble;
顺手 smoothly; without difficulty; conveniently; without extra trouble; do a natural sequence or simultaneously;
顺手牵羊 lead away the sheep by the way; (descriptive of) appropriating such things as come within one's reach, as one goes about one's way; go off with sth. near at hand; lead the goat away as a handy thing to do; make free with others' possessions; pick up sth. in passing [on the sly]; steal sth.; take quickly and secretly without permission; take sth. lying within easy reach; take sth. that doesn't belong to oneself; walk away [off] with sth.;
顺水 downstream; with the stream;
顺水人情 do sth. regarded as a favour without trouble to oneself; a friendly gesture without extra cost to oneself; a favour done at little cost;
顺水推舟 push the boat along with the current — make use of an opportunity to gain one's end; make use of the favourable current situation to push matters through with little effort; push a boat in the direction of the current; turn any favourable factors to account so that the least effort would produce the results desired; go with the current; go with the crowd; do sth. without extra effort; take advantage of a favourable trend;
顺遂 go well; go smoothly; without a hitch [obstruction]; very smooth; easy going; in satisfactory circumstances;
顺藤摸瓜 follow the vine to get the melon — track down sb. [sth.] by following clues; follow up a clue and seize the culprit;
顺我者昌, 逆我者亡 Let those who complied with me thrive and those who resisted me perish.; Boost up those who bowed to me and suppress those who opposed me.; I shower blessings on those who submit to me and do all I can to subvert those who resist.; Those who are with us will thrive and prosper, those who are against us will come to their doom.; Those who bowed to me would prosper and those who resisted would perish.;
顺心 satisfactory;
顺序 plain sequence; subsequence; order; sequence; succession; in proper order; in turn;
顺序控制 sequence program control; 顺延 postpone; put off;
顺眼 pleasing to the eye;
顺应 comply with; conform to; {心} adjustment;
顺应民心 comply with the aspirations of the people;
顺着 along; with;
顺嘴(儿) read smoothly; say offhandedly or casually;
顺嘴子 a person who readily agrees with whatever the others say


favourable; positive; normal





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