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单词 veil
veil/veɪl/ n & vt

n (1)面纱(罩)(piece of cloth often transparent worn by women over the head or face)[C]:a bridal~新娘的面纱;raise/lower one's beautiful~of lace 撩起/放下漂亮的网眼面纱;The hat had a mesh~. 帽子上配有网眼罩纱。In some countries, Muslim women wear~s in public/for religious reasons. 在某些国家,穆斯林妇女在公共场合/出于宗教原因佩戴面纱。take the~当修女;We'll draw a~over your recent behaviour/what happened (to the unfortunate prisoners). 我们将避而不谈你近来的表现/把发生(在那些不幸囚犯身上)的事情掩盖起来。〖同〗cover,blanket,curtain,cloak,screen;

(2)掩饰(盖)物,薄层(sth that hides or obscures like a veil)[U a/the~](fig):A~of fog/cloud covered the valley (mountains). 一层雾/云笼罩着峡谷(群山)。There was a~of mist over the hills. 薄雾笼罩着山头。There was a~of secrecy over the plans. 那些计划显得神神秘秘的。A~of secrecy came down the whole city. 一种神秘气氛向整个城市袭来。carry on the plot/the activity under the~of innocence 在无辜的幌子下搞阴谋/进行活动;interference under the~of religion or love of one's country在宗教外衣或爱国借口的掩盖下进行干涉;

vt (1)用面纱掩饰(cover with a veil)[T+n]:a~ed Muslim woman一位戴面纱的穆斯林妇女;The bride/woman was~ed when she went into the street. 新娘/那位妇女上街时戴着面纱。She~ed her face when the stranger entered the room. 当陌生人走进房间时她以纱遮面。

(2)笼罩;掩盖(cover or conceal as with a veil)[T+n](fig):To~anything is to hide it. 掩盖就是隐瞒。A curtain of smog~ed the sun. 一层烟雾遮住了太阳。 The misleading report~ed the fact. 歪曲报导掩盖了事实。His hints were scarcely~ed. 他的提示几乎不加掩饰。~one's contempt (at sb's ignorance)/intentions 掩盖(对某人无知的)轻蔑/意图;a thinly~ed threat/insult 几乎不加掩饰的威胁/侮辱;〖同〗 hide,conceal,cover,cloak,mask; 〖反〗expose,disclose,reveal,show;unveil,uncover,unwrap,strip





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