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单词 顶天立地

顶天立地dǐng tiān lì dì

absolutely fearless;dauntless; fear nothing on earth (/under the sun);gigantic stature; of indomitable spirit; upright and high-minded; valorous and lofty
❍ 自家姓郭,名子仪,本贯华州郑县人氏,学成韬略,腹满经纶,要思量做一个~的男儿,干一椿定国安邦的事业。(洪昇《长生殿》)I am Guo Ziyi,a native of Zhengxian. I have mastered all military arts and devised various strategies,in the hope that some day I may become a mighty hero and help to bring peace to the empire.
❍ ~,出外头闯世界去! 只要你情愿,你妈那方面,有我哩! (柳青《创业史》57) Be bold,go out into the world. If you agree,you needn’t worry about your ma not giving her consent. Just leave her to me.
❍ 要把你的志向拿定,而且要抱着一个光明磊落、大公无私的心怀。那你便不会有什么过失,而成为~的男子了。(郭沫若《屈原》7) You must show more determination and cherish a pure,upright and unselfish heart; then you can avoid great faults,and take your stand as a true man between heaven and earth.
❍ 石秀道: “哥哥,兄弟虽是个不才小人,却是~的好汉,如何肯做这等之事? ……” (《水浒全传》580) Shi Xiu said,“Elder Brother,although I am but a lowly and an unlearned man,yet though Heaven fall I will bear it up and though the Earth slide askew I will straighten it. How then could I be willing to do such deeds as that? …”/他觉得每一个战士都是~的人,都是翻天覆地的英雄。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》603) Every one of those men was a giant,an epoch making hero.
❍ 我是把你当成一位~之人,原来你就是这样~的! (郭沫若《屈原》48) I have always considered you a great man,but this is what you really are!


of the highest order; of dauntless spirit; of titanic,noble stature; of gigantic stature
~的事业earth-shaking undertaking

顶天立地dǐnɡ tiān lì dì

形容形象高大、气概雄伟豪迈。of gigantic stature, dauntless, a giant, upright and high-minded, valorous and lofty, be absolutely fereless





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