释义 |
顶(頂)dǐnɡⅠ (人体或物体的最上部) crown;peak;top:到 ~ reach the limit [peak];山 ~ mountaintop;hilltop; 秃 ~ be bald; 屋 ~ roof Ⅱ ❶ (用头支承) carry on the head:~ 着烈日走路 walk in a boiling sun; 头上 ~ 着一罐水 carry a pitcher of water on one's head ❷ (从下面拱起) push from below or behind;push up;prop up:用千斤顶把汽车 ~ 起来 jack up a car; 嫩芽把土 ~ 起来了。 The sprouts have pushed up the earth. ❸ (用头撞击) gore;butt:又 ~ 又踢 butting and kicking; 这牛爱 ~ 人。 This bull gores people. ❹ (支撑;抵住) prop;sustain;support:把门 ~ 起来 prop up the door; 坑道顶儿用柱子 ~ 着。 The pillars sustain the roof of the pit. ❺ (对面迎着) go against:~ 风雪,战严寒 face blizzards and brave severe cold; 我们的船 ~ 着风浪前进。 Our ship made head against the wind and waves. ❻ (用强硬的话反驳别人;顶撞) retort;turn down:把抗议 ~ 回去 reject a protest; 他们说他,他就 ~。 When they scolded him,he would answer back. 我 ~ 了他几句。 I said a few words to him in retort. ❼ (担当;支持) cope with;stand up to:负担虽重,他们两个也 ~ 下来了。 The load was heavy,but the two of them coped with it all right. 妇女能 ~ 半边天。 Women hold up half of heaven [half the sky].;Women shoulder [prop up] half (of) the sky.;Women prop up the other half of the sky. ❽ (相当;抵) equal;be equivalent to:干活他一个能 ~ 我们两个。 He can do the work of two of us. ❾ (顶替) take the place of;substitute;replace:~ 别人的名字 assume sb. else's name; 他 ~ 患病的工人干活。 He substituted for the worker who was ill. Ⅲ [方] (到某个时间) until;till:~ 十点他才回来。 He did not return till ten o'clock. ~ 昨天我才听说这件事。 It was not until yesterday that I learned it. Ⅳ (用于某些有顶的东西):一 ~ 轿子 a sedan chair; 一 ~ 帽子 a cap;a hat; 一 ~ 蚊帐 a mosquito net Ⅴ (表示程度最高) very;most;extremely:~ 聪明 most intelligent;~ 有用 very useful;~ 小的那个孩子 the youngest [smallest] child ◆顶班 work on regular shifts;work full time; 顶板 {矿} (矿井内巷道顶上的岩石层,又名“顶帮”、“悬帮”、“顶盘”“上盘”) roof;top tray;{无脊椎} apical plate;{机} {建} backing deal;carrier plate;crest slab;crown sheet;crown plate;head plate;abacus;(推种器) ejector plate; 顶部 top;upper apex;top half;headpiece;roof;ridge;meplat; 顶层 top;overstory; 顶吹 {冶} top-blown; 顶戴 (in the Qing Dyn.) official cap showing various ranks by button of precious stone on top; 顶灯 toplight;dome light;overhead light; 顶点 apex;zenith;acme;vertex;corner;tip-top;pinnacle;acnode;perfoot;top;grand climax;full;sum;crank point;culmination;sharp peak;sticking place; 顶端 spire;top;apex;peak;tip;end; 顶多 at (the) most;at best; 顶峰 climax;apotheosis;pinnacle;summit;top;peak; 顶风 head wind;upwind;against the wind; 顶风冒雪 brave wind and snow;brave [defy] the wind and snow; 顶风冒雨 brave wind and rain;brave the storm;in spite of wind and rain; 顶杆 {工} ejector pin;knock-out pin;carrier rod;crown bar;pin-lift;post rod;roof bar;stripping post;top material;mandrel;tige; 顶缸 [口] take blame,responsibility,etc. for others; 顶骨 {解} parietal bone;os parietale; 顶呱呱 tip-top;first-rate;excellent;second to none; 顶光 borderlight;toplight;toplighting;spotlight; 顶花坛 {杂技} balancing a jar on the head; 顶尖 tip;{机} centre;apex;core clamper; 顶交 {农} top cross;variety-inbred cross; 顶角 point angle;apex angle;corner angle;vertex angle;apical angle; 顶礼 prostrate oneself before sb. and press one's head against his feet;worship; 顶梁 back timber;carrying bar;head ̄ piece;set collar;top beam;jacking beam;capping;stull; 顶梁柱 pillar;backbone; 顶门儿 the crown of the head; 顶名 assume sb.'s name; 顶牛儿 lock horns like bulls — argue with sb.;clash;be at loggerheads; 顶棚 platfond;ceiling; 顶球 {体} head (a ball); 顶少 at least; 顶事 be useful;serve the purpose;be effective; 顶替 (顶名代替) replace;take sb.'s place;take the place of;(替换) displacement; 顶天立地 stand upright on one's two legs between heaven and earth — of indomitable spirit;able to hold up the heavens,and to support the earth;fear nothing on earth;his head in the clouds and his feet on the earth — a fine fellow;(can) prop up the sky;undertake a Herculean task;upstanding and dauntless; 顶头 (迎面) coming directly towards one;(末端) top;end; 顶头上司 one's immediate [direct] superior;one's boss; 顶碗 {杂技} balancing a stack of bowls on the head;pagoda of bowls; 顶芽 phyllophore;terminal bud;apical bud; 顶叶 {解} parietal lobe;lobus parietalis; 顶用 be of use;be of help;serve the purpose; 顶针 thimble 顶❶top;peak;ceiling;crown ❷prop up ❸gore;butt ❹go again st ❺answer back;reject; retort ❻equal; be equivalent to ❼substitute; replace ❽transfer business licence;lease of real estate;sublease 天塌下来由他们去~。Even if the sky falls,it’s up to them to prop it up./牛~人。The bull gores people./把抗议~回去reject a protest/被~了回来meet with a rebuff;be repulsed/封~ put a ceiling on;cap/~风雪,战严寒go against blizzards and brave severe cold/以次~好substitute shoddy stuff for quality goods/~进一套房子sublease a house 顶dǐngtop; vertex (pl.vertices) |