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单词 vary
vary/′veǝri, AmE ′veri, ′væri/ v [-yies/z/;-yied,-yied/d/]

(1)不同,相异 (be different;differ)[II+prep(in)]:Opinions on that matter/The results of the exam/The quality of the fruit there~ied greatly (widely). 对那件事的见解/考试的结果/那里的水果质量悬殊极大。~widely (greatly) in price/size/density/brightness在价格/大小/浓度/亮度上极不相同;~in quality/weight/ideas在质量/重量/思想上有差异;~from person to person/from area to area因人而异/每个地区各不相同;〖同〗differ,contrast,depart,disagree;〖反〗correspond,agree;

(2)变化,随……变化(become different;change)[II+prep(with/]:His daily routine/The weather there never~ies. 他的日常工作总是老样子/那儿的天气从来没有变化。The sick man's mood is constantly~ing. 病人的情绪不停地变化。(prices of eggs/sb's mood/the demand)~with the seasons/weather(鸡蛋价格/某人心绪/需求)随季节/天气而变化;Y~ies inversely with X. Y随X成反向变化。(price/temperature)~from day to day(价格/温度)一天一个样;(sb's health)~from good to rather weak(某人的健康)每况愈下;(consumption of domestic fuel oil)~from (between) 150 gallons a month at the height of winter to (and) practically nothing in summer(家庭燃油耗费量)在冬季最高为每月150加仑,而在夏季几乎为零;The weather~ies between wet and very wet. 天气的变化仅限于潮湿与非常潮湿之间。work with~ing degrees of enthusiasm 工作热情忽高忽低;

(3)使变化,改变(make different)[T+n]:~one's habits/one's diet/one's style/a programme/a route/the speed/the pace/the pressure/the routine/the treatment/the melody/the loudness of the recorder/the lessons 改变习惯/饮食/风格/计划/路线/速度/速率/压力/常规/处理方法/旋律/录音机的音量/课程;~the pitch of a guitar string by tightening it 绷紧吉他琴弦改变音高; ~the sauce by adding spices 添加调味品来调汁的味道;〖同〗change,alter, shift;

(4)偏离(deviate;differ)[I+prep(from)]:~from established patterns of behaviour/the rule 与既定行为模式/规则不符;(flower)~from the norm (in being giant-sized)(花朵)(形状很大)与众不同;

→′varyingly adv 变化地;′various adj;






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