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❶ (声音) sound: 乐 ~ musical sound; 噪 ~ noise; 他有很重的美国口 ~。 He has a strong American accent.
❷ (消息) news; tidings: 佳 ~ welcome news; glad tidings
❸ {物} (音质) tone: 纯 ~ pure [simple] tone;
复 ~ complex tone
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 亮 Yin Liang
◆音爆 {航} sonic boom; 音标 {语} phonetic symbol; phonetic transcription; 音叉 {物} tuning fork; pitch ̄ fork; 音长 length; quantity; 音程 {音} pitch interval; interval; degree; musical interval; 音调 tone; tune; pitch; tonality; tono-; 音段 segment; stretch; 音高 {音} pitch; 音阶 gamut; musical scale; scale; 音节 syllable; 音控 acoustical control; 音量 volume; sound volume; 音律 tonality; mode; temperament; 音名 {音} musical alphabet; syllable; 音频 {物} {电} audio frequency; VF (voice frequency); 音频输出 audio out; 音频输入 audio in; 音频自适应噪声分配 audio adaptive noise allocation; 音品 quality; timebre; tone colour; 音强 {音} the loudness of a sound; {理} (sound) intensity; 音容 [书] the likeness of the deceased; 音色 tone colour; timbre; belch timbre; tone; 音诗 tone poem; 音势 {语} intensity of sound; 音素 phoneme; phone; 音速 {物} velocity of sound; speed of sound; sound velocity; 音位 {语} phoneme; 音响 sound; acoustics; audio; [德] klang; phon-; phono-; -phone; 音响设备 sound installation; audio supplies; 音响效果 sound effects; 音像 phonotape and videotape; 音像世界 audio-video world; 音像市场 tape market; 音信 mail; message; news; 音型 sound- type; figure; 音义 pronunciation and meaning of text; 音译 transliteration; transliterating; 音乐 music; 音乐茶座 music cafe; 音乐电视 music TV; MTV; 音乐疗法 music therapy; 音乐数字接口激光盘 compact disc of musical instrument digital interface; 音质 tone quality; acoustic fidelity; tune; acoustic; 音准 intonation







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