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单词 variation
variation/ ͵veǝri′eɪ ⨜n, AmE ͵veri′-/ n

(1)变化(更),变化程度 (act process or result of varying;degree of change)[C U][N (in/of)]:We need no/some~in the temperature/our daily routine. 我们不需要/需要温度/日常的工作有所变化。Changing weather conditions are usually the result of~in air pressure. 天气状况的变化通常是气压变化的结果。(dial) record very slight/great~in pressure(刻度盘)记录下压力非常轻微/巨大的变化;There are many/innumerable~s of this kind of story (exercise). 这类故事(操练)有很多/无数变化的形式。be subject to a~of several degrees可有上下几度的变化;(currency exchange rate) be liable/subject to~(货币兑换率)容易/往往会变化;It was a~from my usual work. 这与我通常的工作不一样。do/write/play sth like this, without any~s 像这样做某事/写某东西/演奏乐曲,不要任何变动;〖同〗variety,change,difference,disagreement;〖反〗sameness,regularity;

(2)变奏(曲)(repetition of a musical theme with modifications)[C;N(on)]:piano/orchestral~s钢琴/管弦乐变奏曲;a set of~s on a theme by Mozart 一部莫扎特主旋律变奏曲;In music, a~on a tune is a different way of playing the tune. 在音乐中,一支乐曲的变奏就是用不同的方法来演奏同一曲调。





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