鞋xiéShoes芭蕾舞鞋 [bā lěi wǔ xié] ballet slipper; toeshoe 白皮鞋 [bái pí xié] white leather shoe 半长统靴 [bàn chánɡ tǒnɡ xuē] bootee; bottine; halfboot 绑腿长统皮鞋 [bǎnɡ tuǐ chánɡ tǒnɡ pí xié] gaiter 便鞋 [biàn xié] slip-on; walking shoe 布鞋 [bù xié] cloth shoe 草鞋 [cǎo xié] straw shoe 长皮靴 [chánɡ pí xuē] kinky boot 长统靴 [chánɡ tǒnɡ xuē] boot; jackboot; jumping boot 串珠鞋 [chuàn zhū xié] beaded shoe 垫棉鞋 [diàn mián xié] padded cotton shoe 钉鞋 [dìnɡ xié] spiked shoe; spikes 短统靴 [duǎn tǒnɡ xuē] buskin 缎鞋 [duàn xié] satin shoe 鳄鱼皮鞋 [è yú pí xié] alligator shoe 帆布鞋 [fān bù xié] canvas shoe 高跟鞋 [ɡāo ɡēn xié] high heel; high heeled shoe 高统皮靴 [ɡāo tǒnɡ pí xuē] jumping boot 海豹皮靴 [hǎi bào pí xuē] mukluk 后绑带鞋 [hòu bǎnɡ dài xié] sling-back shoe 滑雪靴 [huá xuě xuē] ski boot 及膝长统靴 [jí xī chánɡ tǒnɡ xuē] knee-high boot 麂皮鞋 [jǐ pí xié] chamois shoe 胶底帆布鞋 [jiāo dǐ fān bù xié] plimsoll 扣带鞋 [kòu dài xié] buckle (strap) shoe 篮球鞋 [lán qiú xié] basketball shoe 礼服鞋 [lǐ fú xié] dress shoe 凉鞋 [liánɡ xié] sandal 溜冰鞋 [liū bīnɡ xié] roller/ice skate 露趾鞋 [lòu zhǐ xié] open-toe shoe 旅行靴 [lǚ xínɡ xuē] hiking boot 马鞍鞋 [mǎ ān xié] saddle shoe 马皮鞋 [mǎ pí xié] horse-hide shoe 马靴 [mǎ xuē] riding/high boot 毛线鞋 [máo xiàn xié] woolen bootee 棉鞋 [mián xié] cotton shoe 木底皮鞋 [mù dǐ pí xié] sabot 木鞋 [mù xié] sabot 木质套鞋 [mù zhì tào xié] patten 木屐 [mù jī] clog 尼龙网孔鞋 [ní lónɡ wǎnɡ kǒnɡ xié] nylon mesh shoe 女厚底鞋 [nǚ hòu dǐ xié] platform shoe 女蘑菇鞋 [nǚ mó ɡu xié] mushroom shoe 女式中跟鞋 [nǚ shì zhōnɡ ɡēn xié] cuban heel 女靴 [nǚ xuē] woman’s boot 女用袜鞋 [nǚ yònɡ wà xié] room socks 跑鞋 [pǎo xié] canvas rubber shoe 皮鞋 [pí xié] leather shoe 皮靴 [pí xuē] boot 平底高跟鞋 [pínɡ dǐ ɡāo ɡēn xié] cobbies 平底鞋 [pínɡ dǐ xié] moccasin 平跟鞋 [pínɡ ɡēn xié] flat 蒲鞋 [pú xié] rush shoe 漆皮舞鞋 [qī pí wǔ xié] patent leather shoe 轻便舞鞋 [qīnɡ biàn wǔ xié] pump 球鞋 [qiú xié] sports shoe; [USA] sneaker 日本便鞋 [rì běn biàn xié] Japanese scandal 日式拖鞋 [rì shì tuō xié] zori; flipflop (Japanese sandal) 软底鞋 [ruǎn dǐ xié] soft-soled shoe 僧鞋 [sēnɡ xié] monk’s shoe 水松鞋 [shuǐ sōnɡ xié] sandal 水鞋 [shuǐ xié] watershoe; Jesus boot 塑料皮鞋 [sù liào pí xié] plastic shoe 透风鞋 [tòu fēnɡ xié] mesh shoe 拖鞋 [tuō xié] loafer; slippers 晚会鞋 [wǎn huì xié] dress shoe 晚宴鞋 [wǎn yàn xié] evening shoe 纹皮鞋 [wén pí xié] grain leather shoe 无跟鞋 [wú ɡēn xié] mule; backless shoe 无后跟拖鞋 [wú hòu ɡēn tuō xié] scuff 系带鞋 [jì dài xié] lace shoe 橡胶皮鞋 [xiànɡ jiāo pí xié] rubber shoe 橡胶套鞋 [xiànɡ jiāo tào xié] galosh; overshoe 橡胶鞋 [xiànɡ jiāo xié] rubber shoe 橡皮底帆布鞋 [xiànɡ pí dǐ fān bù xié] canvas shoe with rubber sole; sneakers 小孩平底鞋 [xiǎo hái pínɡ dǐ xié] children’s flat-soled shoe 小牛皮鞋 [xiǎo niú pí xié] calf-skin/kid-skin shoe 鞋子 [xié zi] shoes 新式连袜鞋 [xīn shì lián wà xié] slippersock 休闲鞋 [xiū xián xié] walking shoe 绣花缎鞋 [xiù huā duàn xié] embroidered satin shoe 绣花鞋 [xiù huā xié] embroidered satin shoe 雪鞋 [xuě xié] snow shoe 印第安鹿皮鞋 [yìn dì ān lù pí xié] moccasin 雨鞋 [yǔ xié] rainboot; waterproof boot 雨靴 [yǔ xuē] rainboot; waterproof boot 运动鞋 [yùn dònɡ xié] sports/gym shoe; [USA] sneaker 毡鞋 [zhān xié] felt shoe 整形鞋 [zhěnɡ xínɡ xié] orthopedic shoe 直贡呢鞋 [zhí ɡònɡ ní xié] vicugna shoe 鞋xié(穿在脚上、走路时着地的东西) shoes: 布 [皮] ~ cloth [leather] shoes; 穿 ~ put on shoes; 低 [高]跟 ~ low-heeled [high-heeled] shoes; 棉 ~ cotton-padded shoes; 轻便[网球] ~ walking [tennis] shoes; 脱 ~ take off [remove] one's shoes; 一双 ~ a pair of shoes; 婴儿 ~ baby shoes; 一 ~ 难合百人足。Every shoe fits not every foot. ◆鞋暗缝 inseam; 鞋拔子 shoehorn; shoe lifter; 鞋帮 upper (of a shoe); 鞋包头 box toe; 鞋衬 arch support; 鞋带(儿) shoestring; latchet; ferret; shoelace; 鞋底 tread; sole (of a shoe); 鞋垫 shoe-pad; insole; brioche; 鞋钉 spike; 鞋粉 shoe powder; 鞋(后)跟 heel (of a shoe); 鞋弓子 arch support; 鞋尖 toe cap; 鞋匠 shoemaker; cobbler; archer; 鞋口 welt; 鞋扣 shoe-buckle; shoe button; 鞋里 shoe lining; 鞋面[脸] instep; vamp; 鞋袢 sandal; 鞋破袜穿 down at (the) heel — tattered; 鞋铺 shoeshop; 鞋舌 flap; 鞋刷 shoe brush; 鞋套 shoe cover; 鞋铁掌 heel plate; 鞋头 toe cap; 鞋楦 last for shaping a shoe; shoe tree; cramp; last; 鞋样 shoe pattern; outline of sole; 鞋油 shoe polish; shoe cream; 鞋掌 heelpiece; plate; sole; 鞋罩 spat; gaiter; 鞋锥 elsin; elshin; elson; 鞋子 shoes |