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单词 革故鼎新

革故鼎新gé gù dǐng xīn

discard the old ways of life in favour of the new; discard the old and introduce the new; drop old habits and reform;eliminate the oldand create the new; replace the old with the new
❍ 速霑雨露,以就去邪归正之心;毋犯雷霆,当效~之意。(《水浒全传》972) Let the emperor’s benevolence expunge wickedness and restore righteousness to your hearts.Oppose not Heaven’s will to replace the old with the new.

革故鼎新ge gu ding xin

abolish the old and introduce the new

革故鼎新ɡé ɡù dǐnɡ xīn

革:革除;故:旧的;鼎:更换。除去旧的,建立新的。make general reforms, discard the old and introduce the new, destroy the old and establish the new





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:16:13