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单词 面如土色

面如土色面如灰土;面如死灰miàn rú tǔ sè

a ghastly livid countenance; look ashen (/pale);turn ashy pale; pale as ashes (/a sheet)
❍ 生览毕,面如灰土。(《聊斋志异·莲花公主》676) When Tou had read this document his face turned ashy pale; …/我不禁勃然大怒,猛地拍了一下桌子,……这位老人……吓得~; ……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》373) I flared into a rage,shouting at him and thumping the table.He went white with terror,…/屋里震起了一阵尘土,喝酒的人也都吓得面带土色,都站在原位置上举起了双手。(知侠《铁道游击队》542) The shots raised a cloud of dust. The revellers staggered from their seats,up lifted their arms,their faces livid with fear.
❍ 刘璋惊得~,气倒于城上。(《三国演义》565) Such words came as a shock,and Liu Zhang paled. His feeling overcame him and he swooned.
❍ 薛姨妈见里头丫头传话进去,更骇得~,……(《红楼梦》1122)And when maids took word of this to Aunt Xue,she turned pale with alarm.
❍ 蒋干~。(《三国演义》396) …and Jiang Gan’s face had become clay-coloured.
❍ 煮饭老妈子从此就骇破了胆,后来一提起,还是立刻~,…… (《鲁迅选集》上—260) The old woman’s nerve was never the same again. Whenever people spoke of this later,she would turn the colour of earth…

面如土色miàn rú tǔ sè

脸上像泥土一样没有血色。比喻极度惶恐。look pale, look ashen, sallow-faced, pale with fright





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