释义 |
靠kàoⅠ ❶ (凭借别的东西的支持立着或竖起来; 倚靠) lean against [on]: 把梯子 ~ 在墙上 lean a ladder against a wall; 背 ~ 背坐着 sit back to back; 她轻轻地 ~ 在他的肩上。She leaned lightly against his shoulder. ❷ (接近; 挨近) get close to; be near to: 船已经 ~ 码头了。The ship has docked. 疗养院 ~ 海。The sanatorium stands by the sea. ❸ (依靠) depend on; rely on: ~ 自已的努力 rely on one's own efforts; 一个人的成功主要 ~ 自已。A man's success depends chiefly on himself. 这座城市几乎完全 ~ 旅游业维持。 The town depends almost solely on the tourist trade. ❹ (信赖) trust: 可 ~ reliable; trustworthy; 他这人 ~ 得住。He is a man to be relied upon.; He is reliable. 我的记性 ~ 不住, 我最好把什么都写下来。 I can't trust my memory. I'd better write everything down. Ⅱ ❶ (沿着) (keep) to; (get) near: 车辆一律 ~ 右走。 All vehicles should keep to the right. ❷ (凭; 根据) by; by dint of; on: ~ 辛勤劳动 by the sweat of one's brow; ~ 小聪明 by one's wits; ~ 自己的力量 on one's own; 他 ~ 苦干获得成功。 He succeeded by dint of hard work. 她 ~ 正当的劳动生活。 She lives by honest labour. ◆靠岸 pull in to shore; draw alongside; 靠把 the armour an actor wears in traditional operas; 靠背 back (of a chair); 靠背而坐 sit back to back with ...; 靠边 keep to the side; 靠不住 unreliable; undependable; untrustworthy; 靠得住 reliable; dependable; trustworthy; 靠垫 back cushion; (backrest) cushion (for leaning on); pillow; 靠港 reach port; touch at a port; 靠近 near; close to; by; draw near; approach; 靠拢 draw close; close up; 靠码头 docking; 靠模 {机} explorator; duplieating machine; master form; profiling; modelling; profile modeling; feeler; former; master gauge; template; 靠山吃山, 靠水吃水 On the mountain one lives by mountain products, near the water one lives by the products of the sea [river].; In the mountains, one lives on mountain products, along the coast, on sea products.; live on what the locality provides; make a living in [according to] one's given circumstances; Those living on a mountain get their living from the mountain, those living near the water get their living from the water.; Those living on a mountain live off the mountain, those living near the water live off the water — to make use of local resources.; 靠山 prop; backer; patron; backing; 靠手 armrest; handrest; 靠椅 arm-chair; 靠枕 back cushion; backing block 靠kao(in traditional opera) stage armour (made of silk and embroidered back and front) |