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单词 object
释义 object1 /'obdsikt; 'abdjikt/ n 1 sth that can be seen or touched; material thing: 看得见或摸得到的东西; 物体;物品: Tell me the names of the ~s in this room. 吿诉我这屋里各件东西的名称。 ' ~lesson, a one (to be) taught or learnt from an example, or from specimens, etc placed before or shown to the learner. 实物教学。 b practical illustration of some principle, often given or used as a warning. 用作警戒的某种行为准则的实例; 殷鉴。 '~glass/lens n = objective n(2). 2 person or thing to which action or feeling or thought is directed; thing aimed at; end; purpose: 对象; 目的物; 目标; 目的: an ~ of pity/admiration, sb or sth pitied/admired; 怜悯(钦佩)的对象; with no ~ in life; 疫有生活的目诙; work with the ~ of earning fame; 为了要想成名而工作; fail/succeed in one's ~. 未盅到(达到)目仿。 no ~, no hindrance; not important: 无岬碍; 不重誉: money/time/distance, etc no ~, (in advertisements, eg for jobs) the person answering may make his own terms about money, time, etc. 待遇(时间,距离远近等)不计(如报纸征聘人员的广吿中,可由应征者开列自己所要求的待遇、 时间等)。 3 person or thing of strange appearance, esp if ridiculous, pitiful or contemptible: 样子怪异的人或物(尤指可笑、可怜或可都者): What art ~ you look in that old hat! 你戴着那顶旧帽子显得多么滑稽啊! 4 (gram) n or n equivalent (eg a clause) towards which the action of the v is directed, or to which a preposition indicates some relation, as in (direct object), He took the money' or He took what he wanted' or (indirect ~) l gave him the money1 or (prepositional ~) I gave the money to the treasurer'. (文法)宾语(由名词或名词相等词,如名词子句,所构成,作为动词之动作或介词表示某种关系的对象,如 He took the money 中的 money U He took what he wanted 中的 what he wanted 均为直接宾语,I gave him the money 中的 him 为间接宾语,I gave the money to the treasurer 中的 the treasurer 为介词宾语)。




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