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单词 oar
释义 oar /x(r); or/ n pole with a flat blade, pulled by hand against a pin, row lock or other support on the side of a boat, in order to propel the boat through the water. 桨; 橹。 the illus at eight, row. 参看 eight, row Z 希图。 pull a good oar. be a good oarsman. 京一面味桨手。 put/shove one's oar in, (colloq) inters ere, (俗)干涉; 干预。 rest on one's oars, stop working for a time. 停工休息一会儿。 oarsman /'3: zman; 'orzman/ n (pl -men), oarswoman n (pl -women) rower. 负押手; 女如手。 Hence, 由此产生, 'oars-manship n




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