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单词 oak
释义 oak /auk; ok/ n [C] sorts of large tree with tough, hard wood, common in many parts of the world, → the illus at tree; [U] the wood of this tree: 橡树(参看 tree 之插图); 橡木: a forest of oak(s)/ oak-trees; 橡林; an oak door; 极木门; oak panels. 标木锁板。 'oak-apple n growth on an oak leaf or stem caused by an insect. 长于橡树叶或茎上的虫瘘; 伍倍子; 没食子。 the Oaks, name of a classic horse-race, run at Epsom, near London. 在伦敦附近艾普孙举行的著名的赛马会。 oaken /'aukan; 'okan/ adj made of oak. 橡木做的。




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