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单词 非同小可

非同小可fēi tóng xiǎo kě

colossal; no small (/ordinary/trivial/trifling) matter; be not the common sort; not usual; serious
❍ 他明白这地方共产党确实有根基,势力~。(梁斌《红旗谱》410) He knew that the Communist Party had roots in this part of the country and that its influence was by no means small.
❍ 看见那乱丢了一床的衣服,又看见女儿只穿着一件绒线短衣站在床前出神,林大娘这一惊~。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—198) The sight of the heap of clothing on the bed,and her daughter,bemused,standing in only her brief woolen underwear,was more than a little shock./……在长期和残酷的战争中,游击战争将表现其很大的威力,实在是~的事业。(《毛泽东选集》467)…in the course of this long and cruel war,guerrilla warfare will demonstrate its immense power; it is indeed no ordinary undertaking.
❍ 这两个小虎且不打紧,那两个大虎~。(《水浒全传》542) The two small tigers are not great feat but the two large ones are no slight usual matter.
❍ 杀人事~,咱去见官来。(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》63) Murder is no small offence. Come to the court!/这件事~,我们一定要反对,我们一定要抗议! (《毛泽东选集》539) This is no trivial matter;we must raise our voices against it,we must denounce it!/唉呀!有本事的人们!可惜江涛被捕了。他被捕了~,他名声儿大,那天进攻的时候,上头指名儿要他。(梁斌《红旗谱》463) Aiya! Wonderful people! It’s too bad Jiangtao’s been arrested. He’s not like the others—he’s well known. That day of the attack,our chiefs named him specially.
❍ 两个贼徒,~。(《水浒全传》791)These two thieves we have are not the common sort.

非同小可fēi tónɡ xiǎo kě

小可:平常。不同于小事。比喻事情重要或情况严重,不可轻视。no small matter, not to be trifled with, be no trival matter, by no means a trivial matter





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