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单词 青黄不接

青黄不接qīng huáng bù jiē

when the new crop is still in the blade and the old stock is all consumed—temporary shortage; food shortage between two harvests; a gap in succession (/in time/between generations); a time to tide over
❍ 春夏之间,~,高利向别人借债,重价向别人籴粮,较之自耕农的无求于人,自然景遇要苦,但是优于贫农。(《毛泽东选集》6—7) In late spring and early summer when the crop is still in the blade and the old stock is consumed,they borrow at exorbitant rates of interest and buy grain at high prices; their plight is naturally harder than that of the owner-peasents who need no help from others,but they are better off than the poor peasants.
❍ 这是一个~的危机严重的过渡期。(《毛泽东选集》359) The transition from one to the other,the gap in time,is fraught with danger.
❍ 不过中国没有这两种文学——对旧制度挽歌,对新制度讴歌;因为中国革命还没有成功,正是~,忙于革命的时候。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—166)But China,today has neither type of literature,neither dirges for the old nor praise of the new; for the Chinese revolution has not yet been accomplished. This is still the transitional period,a busy time for revolution aries.
❍ ~的季节,给点糠糠菜菜,给个一升半碗的粮食。(梁斌《红旗谱》26) In spring when one crop was eaten and the next still green,he gave them a mess of husks and vegetables and a measure or so of grain.

青黄不接qing huang bu jie

when the crop is still in the blade and the old stock is all consumed—temporary shortage


when the new crop is not ripe and the old stock is all consumed;the granary is nearly empty but the new crop is not yet ripe;temporary shortage

青黄不接qīnɡ huánɡ bù jiē

青:指稻田里的青苗;黄:指已成熟的谷物。陈粮已经吃完,新粮还未长熟。比喻后继的人力、财力暂时中断。temporary shortage, between seasons, a time to tide over, gap is succession, in temporary financial difficulty





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