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单词 露出马脚

露出马脚露马脚lòu chū mǎ jiǎo

be betrayed by a slip; come out in one's true colours; give oneself(/the game/the show) away; leave a great many holes; let the cat out of the bag; show (/reveal)the cloven hoof; savour of the pan; show one's true colours
❍ 这几日忙乱了几天,又受了些闲气,从新又勾起来;这两日比先又添了些病,所以支不住,就~来了。(《红楼梦》 433) And these last few days she's been kept on the go and provoked into the bargain,so that's brought on a relapse. As it's worse now than before,she can't put up a brave front and hide it.
❍ 只有当他受惊的时候,才容易露马脚。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》 269)He's more likely to give himself away when he's flustered./……一则不好意思开口,二则会露了马脚:原来福佑药房朱经理是个空心大老倌,那一定败事的。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—392)…firstly because he had not the face to do so and secondly because by so doing he would be giving the game away and showing that Zhu Yannian,the manager of the Fu You Pharmacy,was an idol with feet of clay,which would be disas trous.
❍ 若是我露了马脚,被他识破,到那时想逃也来不及了。(朱素臣 《十五贯》40) If I make a slip and he spots it,it'll be too late to escape.

露出马脚lù chū mǎ jiǎo

比喻隐藏的事实真相泄露出来。make slips, come out in one’s true colours, give the show away, give oneself away





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