释义 |
震天动地振天撼地zhèn tiān dòng dìshake heaven and earth; world-shaking; rend the air ❍ 啼哭之声,~。(《三国演义》 50) A wail of sorrow arose to the very sky. ❍ 这以后十来天,汉口那边租界上忽听到朋,朋,朋,~的响声,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—242) One day some two weeks after this,the whole of the busiest sector in the Russian Concession of Hankou was suddenly shocked by a series of loud explosions. ❍ 魏强眼盯住鬼子,震天撼地地喊了声:“打!”(冯志《敌后武工队》116) Wei Qiang shouted loudly,his eyes never leaving the enemy: “Fire!” 震天动地earthshaking;overshelming;stupendous;shake 示威群众的怒吼~。The angry shouts of the masses rent the air. 震天动地zhèn tiān dònɡ dì震动了天地。形容声势浩大或气势雄伟。rock the earth, shake heaven and earth, rend the air |