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单词 雷霆万钧

雷霆万钧léi tíng wàn jūn

as powerful as a thunderbolt; mighty and irresistable; with an irresistable force; with the momentum of a thunderbolt
❍ 巨大的车头,长长的列车,正以~之势,劈头盖顶地朝着战马,朝着我们的欧阳海,压了过来,压了过来,压过来了! (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》446) And the huge locomotive,the long train,was hurtling like a thunderbolt towards the horse,towards our Ouyang Hai,bearing down,bearing down,bearing down…/他们清楚地知道,不管国际国内反动势力表面上多么强大,终究挡不住具有~之势的历史车轮。(何其芳《不怕鬼的故事》序)They know perfectly well that the forces of reaction at home or abroad,however powerful they may appear to be,cannot after all stop the mighty and irresistable advancing wheel of history.
❍ 惟独共产主义的思想体系和社会制度,正以排山倒海之势,~之力,磅礴于全世界,而葆其美妙之青春。(《毛泽东选集》647)The communist ideological and social system alone is full of youth and vitality,sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.


powerful thunderbolt; devastating punch;crushing blow
~之势 with the force of a thunderbolt

雷霆万钧léi tínɡ wàn jūn

霆:霹雷、疾雷;钧:古代重量单位,一钧等于三十斤。比喻威力巨大,不可抗拒。as powerful as a thunder bolt, the force of a thunder bolt, and irresistible force





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