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单词 雕梁画栋

雕梁画栋diāo liáng huà dòng

carved beams and painted (/gilded) pillars (/rafters)—a richly ornamented building; richly decorated
❍ 我住的地方从前做过游艺场,没有琉璃瓦,也没有~,但还有人把它称做“行庄”……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》252) The place where I now lived had been built as an amusement park and had no glazed tiles or carved and painted beams,but it was still called a “temporary palace.”/正面五间上房,皆是~,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉画眉等雀鸟。(《红楼梦》27) In front were five rooms with carved beams and painted pillars and on either side were rooms with covered passageways.Cages of brilliantly coloured parrots,thrushes and other birds hung under the eaves of the verandahs.
❍ 忽睁睛抬头观看,那里得那大厦高堂?也不是~,一个个都睡在松柏林中。(《西游记》319) As they opened their eyes,they discovered that all the noble halls and buildings had vanished. There were neither carved beams nor gilded pillars,for the truth of the matter is that they had all been sleeping in a forest of pines and cedars.
❍ 敌人占领青木里以后,李伪军的师司令部就设在这幢~的大房子里。(杨佩瑾《剑》90) When Chong-mok-ri had fallen into the enemy’s hands, a division of the Syngman Rhee puppet army had taken over the richly decorated house for its headquarters.

雕梁画栋diāo liánɡ huà dònɡ

指有色彩绘画和雕刻,装饰得十分华丽的房子。carved beams and painted pillars, a richly ornamented building, the pillars and roof beams were richly carved





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