雌cí (生物中能产生卵细胞的) female: ~ 狗 female dog;~ 猴 female monkey;~ 象 female elephant;~ 猩猩 female gorilla ◆雌豹 pantheress;leopardess; 雌蜂 queen bee; 雌虎 tigress; 雌花 {植} female flower; pistillate flower; 雌黄 {矿} orpiment;yellow arsenic;arsenblende auripig ̄ment;auripigmentum;kings yellow;dimorphite;hartal;hartell;(用雌黄涂改文字;引伸为乱改文字、乱发议论) blot out mistakes and make corrections; 雌激素 {生化} estrogenic hormone;estrin;estrogen;female sex hormone;oestrine; 雌老虎 a tigress — a ferocious woman; 雌鹿 hind;doe; 雌蕊 pistil; 雌狮 lioness; 雌兽 bitch;lady;jenny; 雌性 female;femina; 雌雄 male and female;victory and defeat; 雌雄同体 androgyny;telianthus;gynandromorph;gynander;hermaphrodite;bisexual;hermaphroditism;monoecism; 雌鸭 duck; 雌蚁 gyne |