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单词 集腋成裘

集腋成裘jí yè chéng qiú

the finest fragments of fox fur sewn together will make a robe—many a little makes a mickle (/muckle); economy in trifles ensures abundance; from small increments comes abundance; many drops of water make an ocean; [of fund-raising for charities] small contributions are equally welcome
❍ 因此,要把经济专栏办得比较正规,唯有依靠报纸的全体读者本着“~”的精神大力协助。That is why it will be possible to run an economics section tolerably well only if all readers of the newspaper act in accordance with the proverb: “Many a little makes a mickle.”

集腋成裘ji ye cheng qiu

the finest fragments of fox fur,sewn together,will make a robe—many a little makes a mickle

集腋成裘jí yè chénɡ qiú

腋:腋下;裘:皮衣。把许多块狐狸腋下的毛皮聚集起来就能缝成一件皮衣。比喻积少成多。many a little makes a mickle, many drops of water make an ocean, Every little makes a mickle.





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