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❶ (生物中能产生精细胞的) male: ~ 冬青 male holly; ~ 猫 male cat; tomcat; 它是 ~ 的还是雌的? Is it a male or a female?
❷ (有气魄的) grand; imposing: ~ 伟 imposing; magnificent
❸ (强有力的) powerful; mighty: ~ 兵 a powerful army Ⅱ ❶ (强有力的人或国家) a person or state having great power and influence: 英 ~ hero; 战国七 ~ the seven powerful states of the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.)
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 陶 Xiong Yao
◆雄霸一方 rule by force in a region — as a feudal lord; act the tyrant in a locality; hold a part of the country and exercise undisputed authority; 雄孢子 androspore; 雄辩 convincing argument; eloquence; 雄辩高谈 a vigorous debate and high talk; 雄辩是银, 沉默是金 Speech is silver [silvern], silence is gold [golden].; 雄兵 crack troops; a powerful army; 雄才 great talent; remarkable ability and wisdom; 雄才大略 (a man of) great talent and bold vision; (a statesman or general of) rare gifts and bold strategy; with outstanding ability; 雄大 great and mighty or powerful; 雄斗鸡 gamecock; 雄飞突晋 soar up bravely and advance suddenly — a man of great ambition pushes his way ahead; 雄蜂 drone; drumbledrone; 雄关 impregnable pass; 雄海豹 saddler; 雄海牛 sea-bull; 雄厚 tremendous; solid; rich; abundant; 雄花 male flower; staminate flower; 雄黄 realgar; eolite; red orpiment; 雄浑 vigorous and firm; forceful; 雄激素 androgen; 雄鸡 cock; rooster; 雄健 robust; vigorous; energetic; powerful; 雄赳赳 valiantly; gallantly; 雄孔雀 peacock; 雄鹿 stag; buck; 雄猫 tom; tomcat; 雄器 spermary; antherid; antheridium; 雄蕊 stamen; androecium; oecium; stamin-; stamini-; andri-; -ander; andro-; -andry; 雄师 powerful army; 雄狮鹫 male griffin; 雄室 drone cell; 雄视一方 cut a conspicuous figure in a place; 雄素 androsin; 雄素酮 {生} androsterone; 雄图 great ambition; grandiose plan; 雄图大略 a great design and a big plan; 雄图大业 a grandiose and noble enterprise; a great cause; 雄吐绶鸡 turkey-cock; 雄威 grand and powerful; 雄伟 grand; imposing; magnificent; majestic; 雄伟气魄 with the great boldness and vision (of ...); 雄伟壮丽 grand; sublime; magnificent; 雄蚊 aner; 雄细胞 male cell; androcyte; 雄腺 androgenic gland; 雄心 great ambition; lofty aspiration; 雄心勃勃 an overwhelming manly spirit — aspiring; be alive with ambition; lofty aspirations and great ideals; very ambitious; with breathless eagerness to; with determination and ardour [zeal]; with high aims [aspiration; ambitions]; with the ambition of Theseus; 雄心未死 still full of ambition; still very ambitious; 雄心壮志 lofty [soaring] aspirations; great ambitions; great and lofty aspirations; have lofty aims or noble ambitions; high hopes and great ambition; lofty aspirations and great ideals; lofty aspirations and high aims [ideals]; lofty ideals and high aspirations; 雄性 male; 雄性不育 male sterile [sterility]; 雄蚁 aner; 雄刈萱 citronella; 雄鱼 milter; 雄原细胞 androgonium (pl. androgonia); 雄株 {植} staminiferous plant; 雄主 a king of great talent and bold vision; 雄壮 full of power and grandeur; powerful in strength and impetus; powerful in momentum; magnificent; majestic; 雄姿 majestic appearance; heroic posture; 雄姿英发 take a heroic posture; cut a bold and successful figure





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