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单词 no
释义 no /nau; no/ adj 1 not one; not any: 无; 没有: She had no friends. 她没有朋友。 The poor boy had no money. 那可怜曲男孩没有钱。 No words can describe the scene. 那景色非蜜墨谛能形容。 There was no end to our troubles, They were endless. 我们的麻烦是没完的。 no end of, (colloq) a large number or quantity of; very great: (俗)多的; 大量的; 极大的: He spends no end of money on clothes. 他花大量的盘在衣着上。 We had no end of a good time,> a very enjoyable time. 我们玩得极为愉快。 (Note that no precedes numerals and other): (注意 no 放在数字与 other 之前): No one man could have done it, No man could have done it by himself. 没有一个人能单独完成那件事。 No two men think alike. 没有两个人想法是一样的。 No other man could do the work. 没有别的人能做那个工作。 2 (implying the opposite of the following word): (表示随在后面那个字的相反的意思): He's no friend of mine. 他不是我的朋友。 The task is no easy one. 那工作悬不容易的。 This nightclub is no place for a young and innocent girl. 这家夜总会不是年轻宠洁的女孩应该去的地方。 Matilda is no beauty, is not at all beautiful. 麦狄达一点也不漂亮。 3 (in the pattern: 用于下列句型: there + be + no + gerund): There's no saying (= It is impossible to say) what he'll be doing next. 他接下去将要做什么,很难断言。 There's no denying (- We cannot deny) that.... 无可否认的…。 4 (in elliptical constructions): (ffl 于省略结构): No smoking (= Smoking is not allowed). 禁止吸烟。 No surrender! 绝不投降! It's raining hard and no- mistake, and there can be no doubt about it. 现在正下着大雨,这是千真万确的。 5 (phrases) (片语) it's no go. (colloq) can't be done, won't succeed. (俗)行不通; 不行; 不成。 be no good/use. useless: 无用; 没有用: It's no good crying over spilt milk. 牛奶洒了,哭也无益。 → milk'h). be no wonder (that), not surprising (that), 怪不得(…); () 是木足为奇的。 by 'no means, means1, in 'no time, very soon, very quickly, 立刻。 ,no-'bs!i, unlawfully delivered ball in cricket, 玩板球时所投的不合规则的球。 .no-go area, (colloq) (usu urban) area barricaded to prevent the police or security force from entering. (俗)(通常指都市的)设有磴碍物的地区(阻止警察或保安部队进入者)。 'no-mans-land, (in war) ground between the fronts of two opposing armies. (战争时两军阵前之)无人地带。 'no one, 'no-one, pron - nobody. adv 1 (used with comparatives): (与比较级形容词或副词连用): We went no farther than (- only as far as) the bridge. 我们只走到桥边。 I hope you're feeling no worse this morning. 我希望你今早不会觉得更不舒服。 I have no more money. 我没有更多的钱了。 2 (phrases) (片语) no more...than, cmore(5). no such, 3 such. 3 whether or no, ~ whether or not: Whether or no you like it, you've got to do it. 不论你是否喜欢它, 你都得去做。 Ee 1 (opposite of, Yes'): (Yes之相反字): Is it Monday today?-No, it isn't. 今天是星期一吗? —— 不,今天不是星期一。 Isn't it Monday today?—No, it isn't. 今天不是星期一吗?一不,今关不是星期一。 Aren't you busy?—No, I'm not. 你不忙吗 ?— 木,我不忙。 2 (used with not or nor to emphasize a negative): (与 not 或 nor 连用以加强否定语气): One man couldn't lift it; no, nor half a dozen. 这玩意儿一个人举不起来; 就是六个人也不行。 n [C] refusal; denial: 拒绝; 否认: The noes /naoz; noz/ have it, Those voting 'no' are in the majority. 反对的占多数。




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