隙xì ❶ (缝隙; 裂缝) crack; chink; crevice: 门 ~ a crack between a door and its frame; 墙 ~ a crack in the wall; 云 ~ a rift in the clouds ❷ (空闲) gap; interval: 农 ~ interval between busy seasons in farming ❸ (漏洞; 机会) loophole; opportunity: 乘 ~ 突围 seize an opportunity to break through the encirclement; 无 ~ 可乘 no loophole to take advantage of ❹ (感情上的裂痕) discord; rift: 并无嫌 ~ bear no ill will; bear no grudge 另见 see also lí。 ◆隙地 unoccupied place; open space; 隙缝 slot; gap; 隙间腐蚀 crevice corrosion; contact corrosion; 隙宽 gap length; 隙裂 {工} crazing |