隐(隱)yǐnⅠ (隐瞒; 隐藏) hide; conceal: ~ 姓埋名 conceal one's name and surname; 从路上看不到这所房子, 它 ~ 没在一小片树林里。The house was concealed from the road by a small wood. Ⅱ ❶ (隐藏不露) hidden from view; concealed: ~ 士 recluse; hermit ❷ (潜伏的; 藏在深处的) latent; dormant; lurking: ~ 患 hidden danger Ⅲ ❶ (隐秘的事) secret; hidden matters: 难言之 ~ a secret which could not be told; sth. which it would be awkward to disclose; 探颐索 ~ delve into secret facts or principles ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 翁 Yin Weng ◆隐蔽 take cover; seek cover; hide; conceal; shelter; 隐藏 hide; conceal; remain under cover; go into hiding; 隐恶扬善 conceal the faults of others and praise their good points; conceal one's wickedness and boast of one's goodness; conceal what is evil and publish what is good; cover one's faults and extol one's virtues; 隐伏 lie concealed; hidden; lie low; 隐睾 enorchismus; cryptorchid; cryptorchism; {医} cryptorchidism; 隐含 implication; 隐函数 implicit function; 隐患 hidden trouble; latent danger; lurking peril; hidden danger; snake in the grass; 隐晦 obscure; veiled; vague; 隐讳 avoid mentioning; cover up; 隐居 live in seclusion; withdraw from society and live in solitude; be a hermit; 隐君子 recluse; hermit; an opium addict; 隐瞒 conceal; hide; hold back; 隐秘 conceal; hide; secret; 隐没 conceal; hide; disappear gradually; fading; 隐匿 hide; go into hiding; lie low; cover; conceal; 隐射 insinuate; hint throw out innuendoes; 隐身人 invisible man; 隐式 implicit expression; 隐士 recluse; hermit; 隐私 conceal; hide; secret; one's secrets; private matters one wants to hide; 隐私权 privacy (right); 隐痛 {医} dull pain; secret anguish; 隐头花序 hypanthium; syconium; 隐退 go and live in seclusion; retire from political life; resign; reclusion; retire from the world; 隐形眼镜 contact lens; 隐性 {语} covert gender; {遗} recessivity; recessiveness; 隐逸 [书] live in seclusion; withdraw from society and live in solitude; be a hermit; hermit; 隐隐 indistinct; faint; 隐隐约约 indistinct; faintly; dimly; loom up; 隐忧 secret worry; 隐语 enigmatic language; insinuating language; argot; cant; cryptology; 隐喻 {语} metaphor; 隐约其辞 speak in equivocal terms; beat about the bush; hesitate in speaking; speak ambiguously; speak with reserves as though one has sth. to hide; use ambiguous language; 隐衷 feelings or troubles one wishes to keep to oneself |