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单词 随风转舵

随风转舵看风使舵;见风使舵;随风倒舵;见风转舵;顺风转舵suí fēng zhuǎn duò

/change one’s course of action according to circumstances; chop round with the wind; cut the rudder to the wind;dance and sing all weathers; sail (veer/steer) with the wind; take one’s cue from changing conditions;trim one’s sails
❍ 这是分明的画出~的选家的面目,也指证了选本的难以凭信的。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—191) He has given us a vivid picture of anthologists who chop round with the wind,and pointed out that anthologies are not to be trusted.
❍ 他后来不像张之洞那样会~,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》67) As he did not show Zhang Zhidong’s willingness to trim his sails to the political winds…

随风转舵suí fēnɡ zhuǎn duò

形容没有明确的方向和主张,只是顺着情势的转变而改变自己的态度或说法。trim one’s sails, sail with the wind, cut the rudder to the wind, trim the sails to the wind





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