险(險)xiǎnⅠ ❶ (险恶不容易通过的地方) a place difficult of access; narrow pass; defile: 天 ~ natural barrier; 无 ~ 可守 have no tenable defence position; be strategically indefensible ❷ (危险) danger; peril; risk: 冒 ~ run a risk; 脱 ~ be out of danger; 遇 ~ meet with danger; 海洋上的风 ~ the perils of the ocean Ⅱ ❶ (危险的) dangerous; risky: ~ 地 dangerous situation; 干 ~ 事 do sth. at the risk of one's life; 好 ~ 哪! That was a near thing! ❷ (狠毒) sinister; vicious; venomous: 阴 ~ sinister Ⅲ (险些) by a hair's breadth; by inches; nearly: ~ 遭不幸 come within an ace of death ◆险隘 strategic pass; defile; 险地 a place difficult of access; a perilous position; a dangerous situation; 险恶 dangerous; perilous; ominous; sinister; vicious; wicked; malicious; treacherous; evil; 险厄 [书] a strategic pass; 险峰 perilous peak; 险工 dangerous section (of a project); 险乎 nearly; by a hair's breadth; 险礁 vigia; 险境 dangerous situation; 险峻 dangerously steep; precipitous; scarry; 险情 dangerous omen; dangerous case [circumstance; situation]; 险区 danger zone; 险胜 win by a narrow margin; edge out; (be) a near thing; nose out; cliff-hanging win; win by a neck [whisker]; 险死还生 narrowly escaped death; close call; a near [narrow; hairbreadth] escape [shave]; 险滩 dangerous shoal; rapids; 险象 dangerous sign on phenomenon; 险象环生 signs of danger appearing everywhere; incessant occurrence [crises]; 险些 narrowly; nearly; 险要 strategically located and difficult of access; 险遭不测 have a near [narrow] escape; 险遭不幸 come within an ace of death; 险遭毒手 be nearly killed; 险诈 sinister and crafty; 险寨雄关 strategic stockade and impregnable pass; strategic pass; 险兆 evil omen; 险症 dangerous illness; crucial symptoms; dangerous symptom-complex; 险中弄险 take a dangerous step along [in] a dangerous direction; 险阻 (of roads) dangerous and difficult |